Initial Publication Date: October 8, 2024


This synthesis reflects participants' small group discussions during the Summer 2024 CLASP GRANTED convening.

Participants in this paired summer convening discussed ideas around CLASP affinity groups and mentoring, including a priority list of the structures for each. Discussions produced a list of resources and models for how CLASP could approach mentoring and affinity groups as well as what resources CLASP might need to provide.

The first hour-long convening focused on mentoring opportunities and the second meeting focused on affinity groups. There was overlap in ideas that were mentioned. Participants identified formal and informal ideas for topics, design, and audiences. Participants identified Coffee Chats as a current mechanism for mentoring that could be built upon, perhaps some by having one or two per year that are dedicated to open time, 'no agenda' meetings, that allow participants to socialize and discuss issues they're dealing with at the moment, as well as a couple 'new-member onboarding' meetings, with groups coming together to brainstorm on a topic, perhaps led with presentations by experts and followed with discussion. Affinity groups could also spin off of Coffee Chat topics, where applicable. In addition, there is a plethora of expertise in the CLASP community as well as in the Collaboratory, but these are often difficult to navigate, particularly for newcomers. Often our offices work in isolation, but a directory of members and their expertise that could be used for others to reach out to could not only tap into this expertise, but also help to build community.

In terms of structure, a 1:1 mentoring structure could be difficult to set up and manage. Alternative suggestions were to make mentoring and/or affinity groups around geographic region (state, region), institution types, and/or around particular identities. These could be collected via a survey. While groups formed around these characteristics would be helpful, it was also noted that the group should be careful not to inadvertently create silos.

In addition, a program to help onboard newcomers could be helpful - topics for this group could include introducing the Collaboratory (and how to use it), and other resources such as programming (e.g. Coffee Chats) and the listserv, which might also make them less intimidating. An onboarding process for mentors/leaders with a set of guidelines and best practices for mentoring could be provided. Making the Collaboratory easier to navigate would be helpful.  Also, in terms of logistics, a website, a Zoom room (or other meeting software), a dedicated calendar with meetings/events, and an inventory of members with their/their institution's characteristics would be helpful tools to help organize and implement meetings. A suggestion was also made for utilizing retirees as mentors or to help with logistics.