Please tell us about your experience at the workshop thus far. Your input is valuable to us as we plan the remaining workshop. Your responses to this survey will be kept confidential. The SERC staff member will remove any name in association with this response and will then share verbatim comments from all responses with the workshop leaders.
1. What are the top one or two things from today's session that you learned about or are you most excited about that you plan to use in your work? 2. We value your perspective and expertise and we want to ensure your input and voice are heard and valued. Please let us know if you have any concerns with your ability to be heard or contribute. 3. Please let us know if there are items that need to be addressed that either have not been considered or discussed or that seem to be unresolved or were glossed over. 4. If you have comments or suggestions you had not covered above, please share them below. (optional) 5. Please indicate your current satisfaction with this workshop by selecting the appropriate number. Choose one: 5 - Very Satisfied 4 3 2 1 - Very Dissatisfied Comments to explain your rating: