Initial Publication Date: July 8, 2024

Dear workshop participants,

We look forward to meeting with you on Friday, July 26, and Friday, August 2, at 10am Pacific / 11am Mountain / 12pm Central / 1pm Eastern!

In preparation for our first session on July 26, we ask that you:

  • Review the meeting program:
  • Reflect on the pre-workshop questions (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 15kB Jul1 24) (this file is also posted on the program page, under the pre-meeting work section). You do not need to submit responses to these prompts, but instead, you may want to take your own notes, as they are designed to help facilitate discussion around some of the ideas that may be brought up at the meeting.
  • Create a SERC account if you do not yet have one. This will allow you to access private workspaces that are only accessible to workshop participants. We will use these spaces to record notes from our discussions during the meeting. You can create an account using the form on the right side of the account page. Please use the email address you used when you registered for the meeting, as access is tied to the email address on your account.
    • Once you have created an account, you should be able to access this private participant workspace. If you are not able to access this space after logging in, please contact me- Monica Bruckner (
    • We will post the Zoom connection info on this private workspace ahead of the meeting and will also send it via email the week of July 22. Please note that this Zoom information is for registered participants only and should not be shared.

Please let us know if you have questions ahead of our meeting. We look forward to meeting with you on the 26th!

Best wishes,

Monica Bruckner, on behalf of the session conveners


SERC Project Specialist
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College