Please complete the following application form to apply for the ADVANCEGeo Workplace Climate Program (opens in a new tab). This application must be submitted by the Department Chair or have a letter of support from the Department Chair to be considered for review. All fields are required unless noted otherwise.
Please complete and submit your application by April 14, 2024.
Logging in to a SERC account will allow you to save your progress. If you are not logged in, do not navigate away from this page or your progress will be lost.
If any documentation or outcomes of past programs is available, please attach a copy
e.g. 'Student Handout for Sauerkraut Assignment'
File Type:
UnspecifiedJPEGGIFPNGWebPSVGMicrosoft WordMicrosoft Word 2007 (.docx)PowerPointPowerPoint 2007 (.pptx)PowerPoint Slideshow (.ppsx)ExcelExcel 2007 (.xlsx)Excel 2007 macro-enabled (.xlsm)Acrobat (PDF)Rich Text FileText FileComma Separated ValuesFlash VideoQuicktime VideoFlash MP4 VideoMP4 VideoFlash AnimationMP3 AudioM4A AudioPhotoshopIllustratorKMLFileKMZ FileZip Archivegzip ArchiveStuffit ArchiveDisk Image FileHTML FileEncapsulated PostscriptPostscriptTIFFJar ArchiveJava Web StartWebM VideoOgg VideoStella RuntimeStella Model (v9 .stm)Stella Model (v10 .stmx)XML fileShockWave Component (SWC)Matlab .MAT FileMatlab FileMATLAB Live ScriptMathematica NotebookMathematica CDF fileCogsketch WorksheetWebVTTJupyter NotebookcalendarR scriptUnknown BinaryThe system will attempt to determine the correct file type based on the name of the file you've selected. Choosing the correct file type here will override that.
e.g. 'student_handout'This will be the name of the downloaded file. By default the system will generate this based on the title you specified and the type of file. If you specify a name here it will over-ride the automatically generated name. This is generally only useful when uploading file of a type not recognized by the system (not in the list of file types above). In that situation choose File Type: Unknown Binary and include the appropriate suffix in the file name here. e.g. myfile.m3z Avoid spaces or special characters in the file names.