New ADVANCEGeo publication out in Journal of Geoscience Education

published Oct 23, 2019 9:20am
Led by Allison Mattheis, the article reviews geoscience education research published since the December 2007 "Broadening Participation" issue of the Journal of Geoscience Education to examine how research in the field has taken up—or not—calls for greater inclusivity. We also applied recent calls to actively confront and lessen reports of discrimination and harassment in the sciences and looked for evidence of how these goals are included in geoscience education research. The authors identified three primary themes in the literature reviewed and illustrate these with examples from published articles: (a) increased challenges to science as neutral, (b) continued assumptions of meritocracy in higher education, and (c) assimilation as representation. We also highlight exemplary articles that were most closely aligned with our conceptual framework, and then present three recommendations for future research efforts. A key goal of the present article is to call on researchers to more deeply consider the role of social identities in studies of geoscience education.
