published Mar 30, 2020 12:00am

Apr 2, 2020 - Mar 19, 2021

Resources for STEM Education Centers in Response to COVID-19

We know STEM Education Centers play a vital role on campuses in helping disseminate information to STEM faculty. To aid that work, we are compiling resources related to COVID-19 on teaching remotely and responses by the federal agencies to the federal funding of research during the pandemic.

If you have items to share, please email Kacy Redd at

Disciplinary resources on teaching remotely

Disciplinary societies have been crowd-sourcing resources on teaching remotely. These documents are not necessarily comprehensive or best practices, but they are being generated by communities of faculty developers and discipline-based education researchers and represent some of the best thinking around teaching effectively remotely:

NSF Funding Opportunity for EHR and COVID-19

NSF has encouraged submission of proposals related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), as described in the Dear Colleague Letter at

DUE is specifically interested in research on the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on undergraduate education. The outbreak has altered undergraduate education in unforeseen ways, including forcing temporary closures and unplanned switches to online classes. DUE thinks that research about the impacts of such responses on students and educators could provide important new knowledge about STEM learning, virtual learning environments, the impact of stress on learning, and many other important topics.

APLU COVID-19 Resource Website

NSEC is supported by APLU, which has launched a new resource website to track pertinent information regarding COVID-19. The website includes analysis of various agency guidance/responses and relevant action on Capitol Hill. APLU will continuously update the website to reflect new developments. 

Federal Agency Responses on COVID-19 for Research

The Council on Government Relations (COGR) has published a page on Institutional and Agency Responses to COVID-19 and Additional Resources and has synthesized all the current guidance available on research operations in a FAQ regarding COVID-19's impact on federal awards. Detailed information for each agency is also listed on their website. Was your question addressed in the FAQ? If not, please send us your questions and we'll work with federal agencies to provide more guidance.

Department of Defense - new 3/18/20:

U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA) COVID-19 Resources - Main page for USAMRAA resources related to COVID-19. This page will be updated as communications are available.

USAMRAA COVID-19 FAQs (published 3/16/20).

Department of Energy:

Accommodating Interruptions from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) memorandum dated 3/13/20 provides detailed information, links and FAQS for DOE Office of Science proposals and awards affected by COVID-19. 

Coronavirus Hub

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):

Coronavirus Information – provides links to federal and agency guidance, updated as information is available. (continually updated)

Assistant Administrator for Procurement Message on Coronavirus (3/10/20)

National Institutes of Health (NIH) - updated 3/17/20:

Guidance for NIH-funded Clinical Trials and Human Subjects Studies Affected by COVID-19 (released 3/16/20)

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients- this page was published by NIH on 3/16/20 and includes all previous NIH communications regarding the coronavirus. It will be updated regularly.

National Science Foundation (NSF) - updated 3/18/20:

Impact on Existing Deadline Dates (released 3/17/20)

Coronavirus Information – this page was published by NSF on 3/12/20 and includes all previous NSF communications regarding the coronavirus. It will be updated regularly.


Tenure clock change due to COVID-19 - crowd-sourced list of institutions that have announced new policies related to the tenure clock.