Community Essays
These essays have been submitted by workshop participants as a means of drawing out community experience on particular issues facing centers in the Network.
Results 1 - 10 of 30 matches
Developing a Shared Mission and Vision
Scott Franklin, Rochester Institute of Technology
Not everything that can be counted counts: or how I learned to quit worrying and love the evaluation.
Noah Finkelstein, University of Colorado at Boulder
Creating, Communicating, and Customizing the Mission of CRLT-Engin
Tershia Pinder-Grover, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
CEILS and Institutional Assessment: A Critical Partnership
Jessica Gregg, University of California-Los Angeles
DLRC Partnership Models
Wilella Burgess, Purdue University-Main Campus; Loran Parker, Purdue University-Main Campus
The Hawaii STEM Network for Innovation
John Rand, University of Hawaii at Hilo
K-20 Collaborations in Health Science and other STEM Areas
Janet Frost, Washington State University-Vancouver
Linking STEM Education with Industry in Southern Arizona
Lisa Elfring, The University of Arizona
Proposal success, participant response, and student outcomes inform our center programs and expansion
Shanna Shaked, University of California-Los Angeles
Partnerships for alignment and broader impacts
Liesl Baum, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ