Director, Mathematics and Science Teaching Institute - University of Northern Colorado
published Jan 25, 2016 12:00amPosition Title: Director, Mathematics and Science Teaching Institute
Position Number: F99375
Job Summary:
The University of Northern Colorado seeks a nationally acclaimed leader in science and mathematics education to serve as the next Director of the Mathematics and Science Teaching (MAST) Institute. Founded in 1987, the MAST Institute is committed to equitable and systemic reform that strengthens mathematics, science and technology education at all levels through the education of students, professional development of teachers and college faculty, and the creation of new knowledge on how to most effectively educate the next generation of STEM professionals. The institute provides leadership and coordination for projects and programs that seek to improve formal and informal mathematics and science education within the university, the state, and the nation.
The Director will provide leadership and vision that will advance the Institute's standing as a national leader in science and mathematics education research and programming. Reporting to the Dean of the College of Natural and Health Sciences, the Director facilitates liaisons for the MAST Institute to the Dean, the faculty and staff of the College of Natural and Health Sciences and College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, other higher education institutions and professionals, and Colorado school systems. The Director supervises, supports and mentors the staff of the Institute and coordinates the activities of an interdisciplinary faculty group from the sciences (Biological Sciences, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Physics & Astronomy, and Science Education), the Mathematical Sciences, and various UNC educational disciplines, all of whom are committed to improving the quality of P-20 science and mathematics education through research and professional development opportunities. The Director is expected to maintain scholarly activity commensurate with the goals of the MAST Institute and aggressively pursue grants and contracts in support of MAST Institute projects. As a member of the College's faculty, the Director is also expected to exhibit continuing engagement in teaching and service at a level appropriate to the Institute duties and participate as a faculty member appointed to one of the College's academic Departments and Schools. The position is a tenure-eligible, 9-month appointment. Summer support will be available from the College during the first summer of appointment.
Minimum Qualifications:
- An earned doctorate or other terminal degree from an accredited institution and in a discipline represented in the College of Natural and Health Sciences and appropriate to an appointment in one of the following Schools or Departments: Biological Sciences; Chemistry & Biochemistry; Earth & Atmospheric Sciences; Mathematical Sciences; Physics & Astronomy.
- Experience in research, policy, practice and advocacy for evidence-based teaching and learning in the STEM disciplines.
- A distinguished record of achievement in mathematics or science education and in teaching, scholarship, and service sufficient to warrant appointment as an Associate Professor or Professor in one of the above-listed Schools of the College. Rank and tenure decisions will be consistent with the successful candidate's qualifications and policies of the relevant School or Department.
- Extensive experience in securing and administering grants and sponsored contracts funded through federal programs, corporations and/or foundations.
- Documented experience and effectiveness in collaborating with P-20 educators and administrators and/or with higher education personnel on scholarly and outreach projects that promote formal and informal learning opportunities.
- Commitment to making meaningful contributions to the UNC instructional and research missions. It is anticipated that the successful candidate's work in his/her home discipline will constitute 20% of the Director's academic year workload; the balance of work (80%) would be devoted to leadership, management, and scholarship in the MAST Institute.
- Commitment to diversity, equity and inclusive excellence in all aspects of teaching and learning
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
- Demonstrated leadership and ability to forge meaningful collaborations.
- A commitment to shared governance and collaborative decision-making.
Preference will be given to applicants with higher education administrative experience
Salary and Benefits:
Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Benefits available include health, life, and dental insurance, as well as a selection of several defined contribution retirement programs. Dependents and spouses of UNC employees who are employed as 0.5 FTE or above are entitled to and eligible for Dependent Tuition Grants. These tuition grants will cover in-state tuition charges. Further requirements may exist. Other benefits may be available based on position. Opportunities for summer instruction may be available.
Requested Start Date:
July 1, 2016.
Application Materials, Contact, and Application Deadline:
Screening of applications will begin on December 7, 2015 and will continue until the position is filled. Interested persons should apply online at and select "View/Apply for Faculty Positions" then choose "Director, MAST Institute." Application documents to be submitted online are a letter of application/cover letter, a curriculum vitae, an unofficial graduate school transcript and the names and contact information of at least three references. A statement of the candidate's vision for the advancing the Institute's standing as a national leader in mathematics and science education research, policy, and practice should be submitted via the online application process in the "Other Document" category. Questions regarding the position may be directed to: Dr. Susan Keenan, Chair Search and Screen Committee, College of Natural and Health Sciences, University of Northern Colorado,