Get more help
We offer workshops, webinars, and additional resources that can help you build your students' geoscience workforce skills and awareness.
Customized workshops
Interested in bringing these ideas to your department or program? We offer an online traveling workshop that we can tailor to your needs. Learn more about our traveling workshops program and request a workshop.
Workshops at meetings
Developing Dispositions to Help Students Succeed in the Workforce, Earth Educators' Rendezvous, July 18, 2024, Philadelphia, PA
Preparing your Students for the Jobs They Want, Geological Society of America Joint Cordilleran and Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, May 14, 2024, Spokane, WA
How is your Program Helping Students Prepare for the Jobs they Want? Earth Educators' Rendezvous, July 10-12, 2023, Pasadena, CA
Viskupic, K., Egger, A.E. (2024) Geophysics requires geophysicists: Strategies for supporting students' awareness of and preparation for the geoworkforce. SAGE/GAGE Community Science Workshop; Virtual: June 25-27, 2024 (invited)
Shafer, G. W., Viskupic, K., & Egger, A. E. (2024). Geoscience Job Advertisements as a Barrier to Employment for People With Disabilities. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 4.
Shafer, G.W., Viskupic, K., & Egger, A.E. (2023). Critical workforce skills for bachelor-level geoscientists: An analysis of geoscience job advertisements. Geosphere, 19(2), 628-644.
Shafer, G., Viskupic, K., Egger, A.E. (2022). Analysis of skills sought by employers of bachelors-level geoscientists. GSA Today, vol. 32(2), p. 34-35.
Viskupic, K., Wenner, J.A., Harrigan, C.O., Shafer, G. (2022) A mixed methods study of the challenges for geoscience majors in identifying potential careers and the benefits of a career awareness and planning course, Journal of Geoscience Education, DOI: 10.1080/10899995.2022.2147383