Banner for Visualization Topical Module

Workshop Program

Marriott Hotel Golden Gate A1

Sunday, December 12

Learning from Visualizations: Principles from Learning Science (PowerPoint 2.5MB Jan18 05), David Rapp, Educational Psychology, University of Minnesota

This presentation will provide an overview of research on visualizations and mental models.
Small Group Discussion: Using Visualizations in Your Class
  • Where in your teaching do you find that visualizations play a crucial role in facilitating learning?
  • How do you maximize the effectiveness of visualizations in your teaching? Please provide examples.
  • What do you know about how your use of visualizations impacts your students learning?
Each table will discuss these three questions and make a single bulleted list of responses to each question. At the close of the session each table will be asked to share the one idea from your discussions that the group felt was most interesting (1 minute report out).
Panel: New Ideas for Teaching with Visualizations
Each panelist will provide a short overview of their work followed by time for questions.
What are Your Students Thinking: Using Concept Sketches , Steve Reynolds,Geoscience, Arizona State University

This activity will engage participants in using drawing to illuminate thinking and understanding and will explore the power of this approach as a teaching and evaluation technique.

Lunch on your own

Sharing your Ideas: Each particant is encouraged to bring an 11 x 17 poster describing their own use of visualizations in teaching. These will be placed on round tables in the workshop room to facilitate discussion among participants of their own work teaching with visualizations.
Anaglyph Maps: Bringing a New Dimension to Earth Science Classes, Kent Kirkby, University of Minnesota

This presentation will describe the use of anaglyph maps (maps seen in 3-d when viewed with stereo glasses) as a technique for overcoming students difficulties with 3-dimensional visualization in introductory courses.
Principles of Design: What makes a Visualization Good for Teaching? (PowerPoint 10.9MB Jan18 05), Barbara Tversky, Psychology, Stanford University

This session will begin with a discussion of design principles for visualizations that are effective in teaching. Participants will then work in a small group critiquing and discussing visualizations of their own choice.

Please bring a visualization that you would like to critique. This may be a visualization that you have created or one that you use. There will not be internet access or computers in the workshop space. Thus, you should either bring a hard copy of the visualization or a computer with the visualization loaded and ready to share.
New Opportunities for Collaboration and Sharing , Jim Slotta, University of California, Berkeley Cathy Manduca, Carleton College

Jim Slotta will describe efforts at WISE and TELS that support faculty in designing web-based activities for students with embedded visualizations. Cathy Manduca will describe opportunities to contribute to and use the On the Cutting Edge Teaching with Visualizations website.
Closing Discussion and Evaluation