Assignments & Discussions

Initial Publication Date: October 22, 2013

Due by January 31 in preparation for the Introductory Session

    All participants must complete the survey prior to the workshop (by January 31st to provide us time to compile and report on results at the first session). You will need a SERC account to access the survey.

To complete anytime before, during, or after the Introductory Session

  • Consider adding new discussion threads of topics of interest to our general discussion board.
  • Submit a Teaching Activity or a Course Description -- this submission is a required component of the workshop, but it can be completed prior, during, or after.
  • Read the summary of all participant answers (Acrobat (PDF) 102kB Jan30 14) to the registration questions.

To complete before the March session

  • Review this series of videos on Heat Transfer (login required) and think about what you like best and least in these videos.
  • Contribute to the discussions for these two topics by March 3rd at the latest, so they can be reviewed and summarized for the March 7th presentation:
    • What are common issues that appear in video that make them difficult to watch or listen to?
    • What are things that really work well and make you want to engage more?
  • Continue work on group project and prepare version for review in next meeting
  • Start working on a 1-to-2-minute video that will be submitted in April and showcased during the last session in May

To complete before the April session

  • Contribute to discussions for these two topics:
    • What is the most effective way to use video in courses?
    • How do we know they are effective?
  • Discuss the "How-to-Make-a-Video" Tutorials:
  • At least one of the following:
    • Make a one-minute video describing a geoscience concept discussed in introductory geoscience courses and post it to the workshop webpage.
    • Continue work group project and prepare version for review in next meeting
    • Update under-development resource pages with more examples

To complete before the May session

  • Contribute to discussions for these topics:
    • What resources could you use or what topics would you still like to see us address or address more deeply either in the final session or in future collaborations?
    • What are the pros and cons of using shared video resources? If cons, how can we get around them?
    • What are good ways to keep a collaborative community working together?
    • What are future projects you'd like to see? Next steps?