Contribute a Case Study

Please fill out this form to contribute your case study to the collection.

This form and the file uploads must be completed in a single session. Leaving the page erases the data. You cannot submit a partially completed form and return to it later. However, after you submit the form, you will have the option of immediately creating a webpage from your materials and being able to edit it. This is a useful option if you have more images and files to upload than there are space on the form. If you are interested in this option, there will be further instructions for this after you complete the form and hit "Submit."

Be sure to click SUBMIT when you are done.

Click here to see a finished example (opens in a new window).

Please choose one or more of the boxes below to describe the type of research used in your case study.

Materials and Handouts

Please upload and describe the materials and handouts that were used either during the activity or in preparation for it. You may provide links to these resources if they already exist on the web. You may also upload copies of these documents for inclusion in the page. Example materials could include: the student assignment handout, field guides, maps, and locality descriptions. Also be sure to mention any special equipment that is necessary for the activity.


Please upload any images you would like to include of students engaged in the activity, the field site, or other images related to this case study.