Initial Publication Date: June 26, 2004
Integrating field work, field trips and long-term projects into classroom/lab activities
What do we want to accomplish?
This working group will focus on two topics:1) ways of going beyond simply having a field trip in a structural geology course to more effectively integrate field work and field trips into classroom and lab activities, and 2) activities and resources to support long-term investigative projects in a structural geology course that do not involve either field trips of independent field work. As can be seen in the workshop program, we'll add some text here after we have worked out what we want to say!
Working Group Members
- Art Goldstein, Colgate University
- Rachel Burks, Towson State University
- Joan Fryxell, California State University - San Bernardino
- Dan Gibson, Simon Fraser University
- David Greene, Denison University
- Kim Hannula, Fort Lewis College
- Paul Kelso, Lake Superior State University
- David Malone, Illinois State University
- Michelle Markley, Mount Holyoke College
- Stephen Marshak, University of Illinois
- Gautam Mitra, University of Rochester
- Peter Sak, Dickinson College
- Christine Siddoway, Colorado College
- Arlo Weil, Bryn Mawr College
- David West, Middlebury College
- Terry Wilson, Ohio State University
- Doug Yule, California State University Northridge