Initial Publication Date: June 26, 2004

Grain-Scale Deformation Processes, Microstructures, and Teaching the Processes of Formation of Structures

What do we want to accomplish?

The general charge to all working groups is:

  • Seek out and collect activities, assignments and resources that have already been developed and add them to the Teaching Structural Geology Resource Collections, by:
    • Soliciting and posting exemplary activities and resources from working group members.
    • Seeking out and posting existing activities and resources developed by other colleagures.
  • Establish and carry out a strategy for testing and reviewing on-line materials.
  • Catalyze development of new activities, assignments and resources by:
    • Posting on this web site a list of ideas that could be developed into new activities and assignments
    • Assigning development of new activities to working group members and interested colleagues.
  • Plan and carry out a post-workshop strategy for collecting additional existing resources and developing new ones.

This working group will focus on resources and activities that help students learn about the relatively small number of distinct grain-scale deformation processes, the range of crustal conditions over which each tends to be dominant, the characteristic microstructures produced by each, and the flow law (rheology) associated with each. In particular we will focus on the information that can be extracted from preserved microstructures, and how grain-scale deformation processes act to form larger scale structures.

Working Group Members

  • Jan Tullis Brown University (Working group leader)
  • Patricia Campbell Slippery Rock University
  • Dyanna Czeck University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
  • Tekla Harms Amherst College
  • Michael Harrison Tennessee Tech University
  • Chris Kopf University of North Carolina
  • Carol Ormand Wittenberg University
  • Linda Reinen Pomona College
  • Aviva Sussman Bryn Mawr College
  • Betsy Torrez Sam Houston State University
  • Steve Wojtal Oberlin College