Workshop Program

Thursday, April 20

Travel day to Washington DC and arrive at AGU by 5:00 PM

5:00 PM Icebreaker/Mixer
Gallery Walk. Workshop participants will break into small groups and consider a range of open-ended questions about teaching public policy issues.

6:00 Dinner (Catered at AGU)

7:00-8:00 Group Discussion I

What are the opportunities for teaching Public Policy issues in the Earth Science Curriculum?

What is the current status of teaching public policy in Earth science courses? Why is this important, what are the learning goals and outcomes, how do we know if we're making a difference? What is currently being done:
  1. Introductory Earth Science courses?
  2. In the Earth Science major courses?
  3. Beyond Earth Sciences--multidisciplinary courses?

This session will be a round table discussion. Participants will produce an overview of current activities, with examples of current practices across the Earth science curriculum and beyond. Summary of this discussion (Microsoft Word 106kB Apr27 06)

Friday, April 21

8:00 Coffee/continental breakfast

8:30-8:40 Opening remarks and charge for the day
Cathy O'Riordan and Dave Mogk

8:40-10:00 Panel 1: Reflections on Educational Opportunities and Challenges
(15 minute presentations with 5 minute discussion)

Introductory earth science courses (PowerPoint 802kB Apr26 06)
Larry Braile, Purdue University
Title slide from Wendy Harrison's talk
Curriculum in Public Affairs-the Colorado School of Mines experience (PowerPoint 743kB Apr26 06)
Wendy Harrison, Colorado School of Mines
Title slide from Peg Rees's talk
Integrating Earth Science and Public Policy to Effect Change (PowerPoint 3.9MB Apr28 06)
Peg Rees, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Public Lands Institute
10:00-10:30 Break

10:30-11:30 Science and Public Policy-Preparing a Scientifically Informed Citizenry

Brock Evans, President Endangered Species Coalition and Melinda Pierce, Sierra Club

11:30-12:30 Discussion II: (small group, round table)
Opportunities at the intersection of public policy and earth science education; Groups will be organized by local, national, and global issues.
  • What are the most compelling topics?
  • How can we integrate these policy issues into our courses?
  • What are the critical needs such as resources, datasets or activities?
  • Where can we have the biggest impact?
  • Prepare report out for presentation at end of day
12:30-1:30 Lunch (catered at AGU)

1:30-2:00 Agency Perspectives:
Title slide from Robert Ridky's talk

The Role of USGS (PowerPoint 5.7MB Apr26 06)
Bob Ridky US Geological Survey

2:00-3:00 Case Study: Asbestos
Title slide from Mickey Gunter's talk
Fear of Risk or Risk of Fear? (PowerPoint 2.2MB Apr26 06)
Mickey Gunter, University of Idaho

3:00-3:30 Break

3:30-5:00 "Share Fair"

Bring a poster, showcase your class activities, do a demonstration, show computer-based exercises...share with the group the best of your instructional activities!

5:00 End of day reflections
Discussion group report out and daily "road check"

6:00 Dinner - group dinner around town

Evening - Informal networking

Saturday, April 22


8:30-8:40 Charge for the day

8:45-10:15 Examples of Diverse Teaching Opportunities

Short demonstrations to stimulate thinking about teaching opportunities

Title slide from Gregory Van der Vink's talk
Teaching Decision-Making to Future Scientists and Teaching Science to Future Decision-Makers: The Princeton University Experience (PowerPoint 6.2MB Apr26 06)
Greg van der Vink, EarthScope and Peter Folger, AGU
Title slide from Karin Kirk's talk
The Kyoto Project (PowerPoint 851kB Jul28 06)
Karin Kirk, Montana State University
See the related activity, the Lifestyle Project

A conversation on public service
Leslie Davis, Austin Community College and Mike Phillips, Illinois Valley Community College

Title slide from Syed Hasan's talk: Medical Geology
Medical Geology (PowerPoint 2.6MB Apr26 06)
Syed Hasan, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Title slide from Gary Coutu's talk
GIS applications (PowerPoint 4.4MB Apr26 06)
Gary Coutu, West Chester University
10:15—10:45 Break

10:45 -11:45 Discussion III - Whole Group,
Dexter Perkins, moderator

Focus on students: What should they know, what should they be able to do?

What do our students need to know to contribute (in an intelligent way) to public policy decisions?

How do we avoid being excessively political and hold true to the science? How do we avoid bias in our instruction?

How can we elevate the voice of science in public discourse and decision making? What should we do when the laws of nature come into conflict with the laws of society?

Summary from this discussion (Microsoft Word 42kB May2 06)

11:45- 12:00 Formulate writing groups for the afternoon session

12:00—1:00 Lunch catered at AGU

1:00-3:00 Working Group: Scenario Writing

Develop an activity that integrates policy issues into earth science education. Plan follow-on activities to recruit, design and implement. Working groups could be separated out by local, national global, OR by the type of course or method of integration (case study in an intro course, longer-term project in an upper level course, or an entire course)

3:00-4:30 "Town Meeting"

  1. Report outs from working groups,
  2. Working with AGU e.g. COPA, CEHR, Cathy O'Riordan,
  3. Advocacy v. role of science in policy,
  4. Other community issues,
  5. Next steps (e.g. AGU theme session; recruitment of more collaborators),
  6. Workshop evaluation.

Evening - Dinner

Sunday, April 23


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