Brachiopod exercise for FossilPlot
Uses FossilPlot to graph Phanerozoic histories of Articulata, introduce concepts on diversity and mass extinctions, and basic biostratigraphy.
upper division undergraduate and graduate level course in paleontology
Skills and concepts that students must have mastered
The classic (old Linnean!) Orders of the Articulata. The concepts of diversity, origination and extinction.
How the activity is situated in the course
One part of a lab in a sequence of exercises.
Content/concepts goals for this activity
stratigraphic ranges of brachiopods; basic measures of diversity and association with extinction; the concurrent range zone and its precision.
Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
how to read a graph; basic algebra;
Other skills goals for this activity
navigating a spreadsheet or website
Description of the activity/assignment
Students are taught how to use FossilPlot software in the lab prior to this exercise. Students work individual to work through the short exercise, handing in a copy of the diversity graphs for the brachiopod orders (which will be tested in the following midterm) and a completed worksheet. The exercise reinforces the main functions of FossilPlot and addresses basic concepts on diversity and biostratigraphy. Once the assignments are collected and graded, we discuss the outcomes of the exercise in class.
Determining whether students have met the goals
Answers to the questions on the worksheet are 'right or wrong' based on if the student followed correct procedure in answering the question. The final open question (on biostratigraphy vs radiometric dating) is used as a gateway question to be expanded in the following lab.
More information about assessment tools and techniques.Teaching materials and tips
- Activity Description/Assignment:All in one: Brachiopod exercise for FP (Microsoft Word 41kB Jun8 09)
- Instructors Notes:
- Solution Set:
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Other Materials
Supporting references/URLs
FossilPlot 1.1 - Primer and software available at this site
FossilPlot 2.0 (more info) - temporary working site under construction.
FossilPlot 2.0 (more info) - temporary working site under construction.