Teaching Paleontology in the Field

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Field-Paleontology Teaching Activities
Browse all paleontology activities.
- SIGkit (Software for Introductory Geophysics toolkit) for modelling and visualization of data
- Fossil Identification
- South Carolina Studies: Bringing the Geologic Time Scale Down to Earth in the Students' Backyard
- Field Exercise in Stratigraphy/Paleoecology
- Paleoecology of the Penn-Dixie Quarry
- Osteology of Dinosaurs at The Field Museum
- Osteology of Mesozoic Life
- Forensic Paleontology
- Worksheet for the Museum of the Earth in Ithaca, New York
- How do we recognize and use fossils in outcrop?
- Taphonomy Experiment
- A Traverse Through Time and Space: A Paleoenvironmental Analysis of Devonian Strata in New York State
- Fauna of Waulsortian Mounds
- Oldest Multicellular Animals: Nilpena, South Australia (unguided VFT)
- Timing of the uplift of the Cincinnati Arch: A hypothesis-driven field-based paleontology term project
- Oldest Multicellular Animals: Nilpena, South Australia
- Fossil Identification Project

Paleontology in the Field
Field investigations of abandoned Negro cemeteries using GPR (PowerPoint 11.8MB Mar9 08)
Alison Henning, Rice University
Urban Students, Urban Issues 2008
Wooly Mammoth Excavation and Lab Work
Janis Treworgy, Principia College
Using Field Observations and Experiences to Teach Geoscience 2004
Mammoths and Mastodons(Teaching Idea)
Susan Conrad, Alison Smith, and Stephanie Peek
Teaching Climate Change: Lessons from the Past
Teaching About Time Using Timeline Activities in a Multi-Disciplinary Course on North American Environments for Non-Science Majors
Marguerite S.E. Forest, Florida Gulf Coast University
Teaching About Time
Field Guides and Databases
The NAGT Field Trip Collection contains more than 50 field trips and examples. The examples in this collection share information about the design of the trips and their important characteristics in addition to providing easy access to field guides. In addition, you can find information for teaching in the field in these other collections:
- Field Trip Safety: This page in the Cutting Edge Teaching in the Field module presents guidance and example policies and forms for addressing safety concerns when taking geoscience students into the field to learn.
- The Montana-Yellowstone Geologic Field Guide Database - The Montana-Yellowstone Geologic Field Guide Database is a pilot project for making the field guide literature more accessible and useful to geoscience educators, students, and researchers. While the database is not an exhaustive listing of every published field guide, nor does it provide direct links to the full text of each reference (except for a few unpublished field guides which are reproduced as pdf files), the database is a fully-searchable listing of 50 of the best references for exploring the geology of this fascinating region.
- NAGT's Far West Section Publications
- Field Guides - Illustrated field guides for sites near Bozeman and Big Sky, MT.
- Geologic Guidebooks of North America Database: This database from AGI and the Geoscience Information Society contains bibliographic references and location for published field guides.
- The University of Texas at Austin has compiled a substantial e-library of field trip guides (more info) on their Walter Geology Library website.