Workshop Program
Note: this workshop has already taken place, but many of the workshop presentations and outcomes are linked from this page.Monday, July 14, Day 1
6:00 - Reception and dinner
7:00 - Welcome and introductions
7:30 - Keynote talk and discussion - Having an Impact: Teaching Introductory Geoscience with the Future in Mind (PowerPoint 679kB Jul15 08), Barbara Tewksbury, Hamilton College
See the outcome of this discussion: What are the impacts of our introductory courses?
Tuesday July 15, Day 2: Designing at the Course Level
7:15-8:00 am - Breakfast
8:15-8:30 - Preview of the day
8:30-10:00 - Effective ways to frame and focus an introductory course
This will be a plenary session in which each panelist listed below will have 8-10 minutes to talk about how and why his/her course differs from a standard survey course and how it is designed to accommodate the focus. The subsequent table discussions will provide an opportunity for participants to brainstorm other ideas for ways to frame/focus intro courses.- Course with local context: Earth Science and the NYC Urban Environment (PowerPoint 766kB Jul15 08) (Wayne Powell, Brooklyn College)
- Course focused on the needs of a particular audience: Earth Science and the Educated Voter (PowerPoint 2.2MB Jul15 08) (Pete Stelling, Western Washington State University)
- A topical course: Sustainable Earth (PowerPoint 3.9MB Jul15 08) (Andy Goodliffe, University of Alabama)
- Course with a multi-week project: Earth System Science (PowerPoint 2.3MB Jul15 08) (Kim Hannula, Fort Lewis College)
10:30-12:00 - Framing and focusing introductory geoscience courses
These concurrent sessions will expand on the morning plenary session and give different examples of interesting ways of framing and focusing intro courses. The sets are clustered by topic and will repeat. The focus will remain at the course design level, rather than on specific activities. Each session will have a moderator from the morning plenary and will begin with 10-minute presentation by the second person listed below. The remaining half hour will be devoted to a discussion and brainstorming various approaches.
- Courses with local context: Service Learning in an Introductory Course on Coastal Oceanography (PowerPoint 271kB Jul15 08) (Ed Laine, Bowdoin College), moderated by Wayne Powell
- Courses focused on a particular audience: Geology for Engineers (PowerPoint 906kB Jul15 08) (Leslie Gertsch, Missouri University of Science and Technology), moderated by Pete Stelling
- Topical courses: The Science Behind the Stories (Acrobat (PDF) 17.2MB Jul15 08) (Achim Herrmann, Arizona State University']), moderated by Andy Goodliffe
- Courses with a multi-week project: Framing an Honors Physical Geology Course around Critical Thinking and Communication (PowerPoint 4.4MB Jul15 08) (Jeff Nunn, Louisiana State University), moderated by Kim Hannula
Syllabus (Acrobat (PDF) 35kB Jul24 08) from this course, course web page
12:00-1:30 - Lunch
1:30-3:00 - Plenary session: Teaching the process of science (PowerPoint 11.7MB Jul15 08), Anne Egger, Stanford University
Anne will introduce what is meant by the "process of science," the research behind the need for explicitly teaching the process of science (including misconceptions), and ways you can do so in your introductory courses. In table discussions, participants will assess their own courses in terms of teaching the process of science, and share ideas about how they might do it better.
Summary of ideas for how to teach the process of science
3:30-5:00 - Working on your own course Form for Action Plan (Microsoft Word 59kB Jul15 08)
This working session will tie the keynote presentation from Monday night with the morning presentations. The purpose will be to have people think about what they might do with their own courses at the course design/overall impact level. Barb Tewksbury will talk for about 5 minutes to give instructions and frame the work section, participants will work solo for 15 minutes, and then tables will talk for about 45 minutes. Participants will then have another 15-20 minutes to work on their own.
5:00-5:15 - End of day wrap-up - What are the key impacts of your course?
6:00-7:00 - Dinner
7:30-9:00 - Poster session at Carleton
This will be an opportunity for participants to showcase methods, demos, projects or other ideas from their own introductory courses. The format for presentations may be a traditional poster, a computer demo, a lab demo, or some combination of those.
Wednesday, July 16, Day 3: Focusing on Activities
7:15-8:00 am - Breakfast
8:15-8:30 - Preview of the day
8:30-10:00 - Designing effective assignments and activities (PowerPoint 651kB Jul16 08), Barbara Tewksbury, Hamilton College
Barb will introduce a rubric (Acrobat (PDF) 18kB Jul16 08) for evaluating the quality of an assignment or activity. Participants will consider strategies for improving the effectiveness of a sample activity in preparation for reviewing each other's activities after the break.
10:30-12:00 - Review of activities
Participants will use a slightly different rubric (Acrobat (PDF) 30kB Jul16 08) to review and provide comments on activities that have been submitted for this workshop and provide feedback to authors.
12:00-1:30 - Lunch
1:30-2:30 - Designing effective assignments and activities I
Each presenter will spend 10 minutes describing their activity, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Each of the following sessions will repeat at 2:45 with the exception of Field Activities (offered only at 1:30) and Geoscience in the News and Popular Media (offered only at 2:45). Select one session to attend.
Google Earth and GIS
Real World Scenarios and Simulations
- Using Google Earth to Investigate Concepts in Physical Geography (Acrobat (PDF) 1.4MB Jul24 08), Allison Dunn, Worcester State College
- Exploring and visualizing earthquakes with the GEON Integrated Data Viewer, Achim Herrmann, Arizona State University
- GIS as Modules in an Introductory Course (PowerPoint 8.3MB Jul16 08), Barb Tewksbury, Hamilton College
- Oil and Gas Exploration Project (PowerPoint 1.5MB Jul24 08), Andy Goodliffe, University of Alabama (handout with final map (Acrobat (PDF) 4.2MB Jul24 08))
- Groundwater Consulting Lab (PowerPoint 399kB Jul24 08), Karen Kortz, Community College of Rhode Island
- The Environmental Geology of Your Home: A Capstone Project in an Environmental Geology Course for Non-Majors (PowerPoint 81kB Jul24 08), Mike Phillips, Illinois Valley Community College
Quantitative Skills
- Tracking Tectonic Plates: An Exercise in Testing Plate Tectonics with Two Independent Methods (PowerPoint 3.6MB Jul24 08), Laurel Goodell, Princeton University
- EarthScope GPS Data (PowerPoint 20.9MB Jul24 08), Vince Cronin, Baylor University (handout with data and worksheet (Acrobat (PDF) 327kB Jul24 08))
- Using USGS Stream-Flow Data to Develop Quantitative Skills in Introductory-Level Geology Classes (PowerPoint 258kB Jul24 08), Ben Laabs, SUNY Geneseo (topographic profile (PowerPoint 258kB Jul24 08) and stage vs. discharge graph (Excel 71kB Jul24 08))
Case Studies
- Superfund Case Study, Tait Chirenje, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
- Coastal Management Case Study for a North Carolina Barrier Island (PowerPoint 629kB Jul24 08), Anne Jefferson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Earthquake Hazards: Case Study Analysis (PowerPoint 398kB Jul24 08), Kaatje Kraft, Mesa Community College
Field Activities (session I only)
Geoscience in the News and Popular Media (session II only)
- Integrating Field Stream Studies into an Introductory Geology Course, Angela Moore, Guilford College
- The Amazing GeoRace (PowerPoint 1010kB Jul24 08), Simon Kattenhorn, University of Idaho
- Putting it all Together: Using Dynamic Digital Maps to Provide a Framework for Field Trips, Chris Condit, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- Critiquing Inconvenient Truth and The Day After Tomorrow (PowerPoint 753kB Jul24 08), Kira Lawrence, Lafayette College
- Hot Topics in Global Warming: An Information Literacy Project (PowerPoint 776kB Jul24 08), Elizabeth Johnson, James Madison University (handout (Microsoft Word 30kB Jul24 08))
- Book Reviews, Oral and Written, of Popular Science Books (PowerPoint 209kB Jul24 08), Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary
2:45-3:45 - Designing effective assignments and activities II
Each presenter will spend 10 minutes describing their activity, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Session descriptions are above.
3:45-4:00 - End of day summary and wrap up
4:00-6:00 - Work time - for revising activities or courses
6:30-8:00 - Dinner8:30-9:30 - Optional informal sessions These concurrent sessions will allow for casual discussion and exploration of two topics related to introductory courses.
- Teaching large classes - facilitated by Barb Tewksbury, Hamilton College and Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary
See the outcomes from this session. - Teaching labs - facilitated by Laurel Goodell, Princeton University
Thursday, July 17, Day 4: Integrating Content and Methods
7:15-8:00 am - Breakfast
8:15-8:30 - Preview of the day
8:30-10:00 - Plenary: Teaching critical thinking (PowerPoint 892kB Jul17 08) by Mary Walczak, Associate Professor and Chair of Chemistry, St. Olaf College
Critical thinking skills are often included as a goal for introductory geoscience courses. In this session we will consider what we mean in specific by critical thinking and most importantly, how we can assess students' progress in developing these skills. We will then turn our attention to strategies for developing these skills in introductory geoscience courses.
10:30-12:00 - Overarching issues in designing our courses: Readings, motivations, misconceptions, and skills
These topical sessions are focused on ideas we will want to consider when designing our courses. These 90-minute sessions will repeat in the afternoon, with one exception - the misconceptions session will be in the morning only and the skills session will be in the afternoon only. Select one topic to attend.
12:00-1:30 - LunchReading - How do we effectively incorporate textbooks, primary literature, and other readings into our courses? (led by Anne Egger, Stanford University)
Communicating (PowerPoint 2.5MB Jul24 08) - How do we teach our students to effectively communicate (both orally & in writing) what they've learned? (led by Kaatje Kraft, Mesa Community College) (handout (Microsoft Word 89kB Jul24 08))
Assessing (PowerPoint 53kB Jul24 08) - How do we get beyond the final exam and effectively assess what our students are learning? (led by David Steer, The University of Akron) (worksheet (Acrobat (PDF) 344kB Jul24 08))
Student motivation and attitude (PowerPoint 673kB Jul24 08) - How do the attitudes our students bring into the classroom affect how they learn, and what can we do about it? (led by Karin Kirk, SERC and Jennifer Wenner, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh)
Misconceptions (morning only)- What misconceptions do students bring to our courses, and how do we address them? (led by Cathy Manduca, SERC and Kent Kirkby, University Of Minnesota)
List of common misconceptions
Skills (afternoon only) - What are the critical skills we want to teach in our introductory courses? (led by Cathy Manduca, SERC and Lisa Lamb, University of St. Thomas)
1:30-3:00 - Repeat of most of morning session, with the misconceptions session replaced by the skills session. Session descriptions are above.
3:15-3:45 - Workshop synthesis plenary Upload action plans by 3:45. Use the blank form for action plan (Microsoft Word 59kB Jul15 08)
3:45-4:30 - Synthesis discussion in room-sized groups
4:30-5:30 - Final plenary discussion (see the summary of this final discussion)
6:00-7:00 - Dinner
Friday, July 18: Optional Course Design Workshop
7:15-8:00 am - Breakfast
8:15-10:00 - Introduction and drafts of overarching goals
10:00-10:15 - Break
10:15-12:00 - Refining overarching goals
12:00-1:00 - Lunch
1:00-3:00 Choosing content to achieve overarching goals