GEOS 431 Soils
Cynthia Fadem,
Earlham College
This course introduces students to the skin of the Earth, examining soil as both a geological material and a natural resource. We explore the awesome complexity of soils from molecular- to landscape-scale and examine the particular problems soils pose to human-landscape interaction.
Course Size:
less than 15
Course Format:
Integrated lecture and lab
Course Context:
This is an upper-level undergraduate course for Geology and Environmental Science majors, and Geology and Environmental Geology minors. The prerequisites are and introductory course (Physical or Environmental Geology) and my mid-level Geochemistry course.
Course Content:
Lecture and discussion topics include the formation, physics, chemistry, ecology, and sustainable management of the world's soils. Laboratory exercises incorporate field description, laboratory analysis, and large-scale research questions. One weekend field trip is required.
Course Goals:
- to provide students with an understanding of soil diversity and complexity
- to enable students to interpret soils and their attendant temporal and spatial systems
- to emphasize the importance of soils in global sustainability, and encourage the development of effective soil-ecological management practices
Fadem - GEOS 431 - Soils Syllabus (Acrobat (PDF) 218kB May24 13)
Teaching Materials:
References and Notes:
Brady, N.C., and Weil, R.R. (2010). Elements of the Nature and Properties of Soils.