Downloading, Preparing & Analyzing a Landsat Thematic Mapper Image
Ann K. Deakin, SUNY Fredonia
As one of the last lab assignments, students download and process an image of their choice from the USGS EROS Data Center. They apply what they've learned to date in the course.
Type and level of course
GIS 350, Remote Sensing & Image Processing, is an upper level course designed for students who have declared the minor in GIS. Geophysics students with a course in GIS often take GIS 350.
Geoscience background assumed in this assignment
An introductory course in geology and courses in geomorphology and structural geology are preferred, but not required.
GIS/remote sensing skills/background assumed in this assignment
Given that the assignment is given late in the semester, it is assumed that the students have successfully completed the preceding assignments on the interpretation and processing of remotely sensed imagery.
Software required for this assignment/activity:
ArcEditor 9.3 with Image Analysis
Time required for students to complete the assignment:
GIS/remote sensing techniques students learn in this assignment
Students apply what they have learned to date using an image of their choosing. Listed below are some of the techniques they are expected to apply.
1. Image enhancement
2. Subsetting an image spatially & spectrally
3. Mosaic images
4. Reproject images
5. Spatial enhancement (filtering, edge detection, noise removal, resolution merge, etc.)
6. Radiometric enhancement
Other content/concepts goals for this activity
Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
This assignment involves the analysis of a new image with little direction from the instructor. Students are required to apply what they have learned to a new image and new geographic location. Their analysis should hypothesize what is represented in the image based on the image processing techniques selected. Students should discuss what techniques worked, what didn't, and why. They should also consult outside sources to confirm or disprove their hypothesis.
Description of the activity/assignment
To prepare for the assignment, students have completed approximately 6 lab assignments preparing them to process and analyze a new image. Students are encouraged to "explore" their images using as many of the learned processing techniques to aid their analysis. They have practiced analyzing images from earlier labs, so they have a sense of what to look for based on what Landsat TM bands they're enhancing, for example. Students should be able to identify rain-fed versus irrigated agricultural fields, land cover types, bare soil, water turbidity differences, urban areas, topographic textures, rock types, Students are encouraged to consult other sources, such as geologic maps, to aid in their analysis.Determining whether students have met the goals
Depending on the geographic area they've chosen, I evaluate whether the selected techniques were appropriate to the analysis. Their analysis is evaluated as to whether the conclusions they draw follow from the processing techniques. I also look to see what other evidence was consulted to confirm or disprove their hypothesized interpretation.More information about assessment tools and techniques.
URLs and References
Download teaching materials and tips
- Activity Description/Assignment: Student Handout for Downloading, Preparing & Analyzing a Landsat TM Image (Acrobat (PDF) 343kB May27 10)
- Instructors Notes:
- Solution Set:
Other Materials
- Landsat Thematic Mapper Information (Acrobat (PDF) 273kB May27 10)