Initial Publication Date: April 15, 2012
Share Fair
Tuesday, June 5
Posters or demonstrations and discussions of your favorite Environmental Geology teaching activity or strategy; participants circulate for informal demonstrations and discussions of teaching methods.1:00 - 2:00 pm
- Kate Bulinski: A constructivist pedagogical technique for exploring climate change, global warming and sustainability
- Beth Caissie: The Big Thaw: sea ice, glaciers, and permafrost
- Devin Castendyk: Using a hand-crank generator to teach about basic energy issues
- Cathy L. Connor: Using glaciers for environmental education (PowerPoint 6.2MB Jul6 12)
- Winton Cornell: Lava Flow Eruptions: The Laki Module ( This site may be offline. ) (withdrawn)
- Norlene Emerson: Stream Monitoring, student handout (Microsoft Word 176kB Jul6 12)
- Cynthia Fadem: Soil profiling (Acrobat (PDF) 2.4MB May31 12)
- Duncan Foley: Washaway Beach (Acrobat (PDF) 2.2MB May31 12)
- Trent Garrison: Ground or surface water models
- Carla Grandy: Analyzing coastal change through aerial photos
- Lyn Gualtieri: HVO volcanic hazards activity
- Brooke Haiar: Assessing agricultural capabilities of an area
- Dennis Hubbard: Models for math-phobes -- interactive models of natural systems (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.5MB May31 12)
- Robin Humphreys: Introductory Environmental Geology Investigative Activities Through Hands-on Discovery and Application: Minerals CSI and The Zen of Tuna
- Shelley Jaye: Teaching in the Field: Environmental Impacts of Flooding on Local Streams (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 5.6MB May31 12)
- Leah Joseph: What is Science? A Forensic Activity for the Introductory Student or Non-Major
- Tom Juster:Teaching geology with spreadsheets: an example of New Orleans subsidence
- Lawrence Lemke: CO2 MythBusters
- Christopher Lewis:Porous media and hydraulic conductivity
- Stephanie Maes:Stream monitoring
- Alex Manda:Project Based Learning (PBL)
2:00 - 3:00 pm
- Julie Maxson: Teaching About Flood Recurrence Intervals in an Urbanized, Agriculturalized, Climate-Changing World
- Sara Mitchell: Wastewater plant field trip ([file 34210 poster'], poster handout (Acrobat (PDF) 18kB May31 12))
- Dave Mogk: Lifestyle Project
- James Myers: Petroleum: Saudi Arabia, OPEC & Oil (Acrobat (PDF) 18.7MB May31 12), class website ( This site may be offline. )
- Klaus Neumann: Establishing groundwater behavior in BSU's geothermal well field
- Mike Phillips:Lab: Identification of local hazards and resources
- Sian Proctor: VoiceThread
- Sheila Roberts: Flood frequency analysis
- Cassandra Runyon: Pollution jigsaw
- Jeremy Shannon: Measurement of River Flow
- Suki Smaglik: Mount Rustler: A Case-Study Activity in Volcano Monitoring (Acrobat (PDF) 3.8MB Jun1 12)
- Jacqueline Smith: Building aquifers to explore Darcy's Law
- Michael Stapleton: Ward's groundwater model lab
- Kathryn Szramek: Water resources and pollution discussion based on water vials
- Janis Treworgy: Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Project (PowerPoint 17.1MB Jun1 12), student handout explaining the assignment (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 29kB Jun1 12), Grading explanation (Microsoft Word 128kB Jun1 12)
- Lori Weeden: Environmental Geoscience Summer Bridge Workshop – preparing the students for success in Environmental Geoscience (Acrobat (PDF) 585kB May31 12)
- Tarin Weiss: Surf Your Watershed (EPA) (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 167kB May31 12) -
- Gary Weissmann: Accessibility for the visually impaired (Acrobat (PDF) 333kB Jun1 12)
- Tom Whittaker: Seismic waves interactive demonstration (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.7MB Jul6 12)
- Katryn Wiese:Gas solubility and carbonated oceans