Issues in Environmental Science
Syed E. Hasan
University of Missouri-Kansas City
a University with graduate programs, including doctoral programs
Explores important environmental issues such as air and water pollution, water supply, climate change, agriculture and food supply, environmental health, ecosystem disruption, environmental management, environmental ethics, and energy resources. Topics may vary depending on current event.
Course Context:
This is a lower-level course that requires students to have taken EnvSc 110: Understanding the Earth course to be familiar with the System earth, its components, hazardous processes, mineral and enrgy resources, biomes, waste issues.
Course Goals:
Critical thinking, infomation analyses and synthesis to prepare reserach report; develop communication skills by presenting research results (PowerPoint format)
How course activities and course structure help students achieve these goals:
Get familiar with current environmental issues; devlop the baility toresearch and analyze information
Skills Goals
Develop good writing skills; ability to propoerly select right materials from the web; team work and collaboration; oral communication.
How course activities and course structure help students achieve these goals:
Project report and PowerPoint presentations are the key asssessemnt tools I use to determine how well students have acheived the golas.
Attitudinal Goals
Cultivated a sense of ownership of the course by asking stduent's input in developing the course syllabus. This raised their interest level and resulted in regular class attenddance and active participation
How course activities and course structure help students achieve these goals:
Most stduents developed the spirit of working as a team. They put in their efforts into the project and the because a complete record of each task/activity was mainatined and was to be submitted along with the report.
Class presentation and formal test.