Interpreting Antarctic Sediment Cores: A Record of Dynamic Neogene Climate
This exercise set focuses on the use of sedimentary facies (lithologies interpreted to record particular depositional environments) to interpret paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic changes in Neogene sediment cores from the Antarctic margin. Particular attention is given to characteristics of ice-proximal and ice-distal facies in high-latitude settings.
Mid to upper level undergraduate courses in sedimentology, stratigraphy, climate change, historical geology, and paleoclimatology.
Skills and concepts that students must have mastered
None required, but prior exposure to the following topics would be helpful: Antarctic geography, nature of the cryosphere, basic knowledge of what a sediment core is, general stratigraphic principles and functionality of a stratigraphic column and core logs, basic understanding of geologic time scale, introductory knowledge of orbital cyclicity (Milankovitch Cycles).
How the activity is situated in the course
It is a 3-part exercise sequence. This has been used in a sedimentology-stratigraphy course. Some parts can be assigned as homework as pre-class assignments. This exercise can stand alone, but also can follow the exercise set on Antarctica and Neogene Global Climate Change (in the SERC Teaching Climate Change collection).
Content/concepts goals for this activity
Goal: to assess the nature of Antarctic climate change during the Neogene.
Objectives: After completing this exercise students should be able to:
- Recognize and differentiate among the different primary sedimentary facies proximal to and distal from ice in high-latitude settings and connect each facies to a particular depositional environment.
- Apply their understanding of facies and the lithologic log of the ANDRILL 1-B core to write a brief history of Neogene climate and environmental conditions in the Ross Sea region of Antarctica.
- Qualitatively and quantitatively describe the patterns of deposition in the Pliocene, and correlate these to orbitally-driven cycles of insolation change.
Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
Making observations; recognizing patterns; making and testing hypotheses; interpreting data from photos, diagrams, tables, and maps; performing calculations (e.g., rates); integrating and drawing broad conclusion.
Other skills goals for this activity
Working with real data, working from multiple perspectives; identifying and working with assumptions and ambiguity, written communication; making persuasive and well supported arguments.
Description of the activity/assignment
Determining whether students have met the goals
- Differentiate among the primary sedimentary facies proximal to and distal from ice in high-latitude settings and connect each facies to a particular depositional environment.
- Using an example for ANDRILL 1-B, explain how a stratigraphic sequence at one location captures the laterally shifting environments though time (i.e., Walthers Law).
- Question 6 from Part 2 is an excellent assessment for this exercise. It asks: write a history of climatic and environmental conditions at the site of ANDRILL-1B, from the time of deposition of LSU 6.4 to the time of deposition of LSU 1. Describe the environments present during deposition of each LSU, the stability or variability of conditions, and whether you would classify that interval as a time dominated by ice (glacials), a time dominated by the absence of ice (interglacials), or a time of repeated glacial–interglacial cycles.
- Students who complete both this exercise set (Interpreting Antarctic Sediment Cores: A Record of Dynamic Neogene Climate) and the exercise set on Antarctica and Neogene Global Climate Change (also in the SERC Teaching Climate Change collection) could be asked to describe how scientific understanding evolves with the acquisition of new data and application of new methods/technology.
- What evidence is there of orbitally-driven climate variations in Antarctica in the Neogene? Be specific, by drawing on what you learned from Part 3.
Teaching materials and tips
- Student Exercise Set: The student activity can be downloaded from: select Chapter 12, Interpreting Antarctic Sediment Cores: A Record of Dynamic Neogene Climate.
Instructor Notes: See the pdf file Teaching Tips Ch 12 (Acrobat (PDF) 356kB Jul23 15). In addition go to: for suggested supplemental materials (Chapter 12).
Solution Set: A pdf file that contains a detailed answer key and additional suggestions for instructors can be obtained by emailing Kristen St. John (
Other Materials
Supporting references/URLs
This exercise is an open access chapter from: St. John, K., Leckie, R.M., Pound, K., Jones, M., and Krissek, L., 2012. Reconstructing Earth's Climate History: Inquiry-based Exercises for Lab and Class. Wiley-Blackwell, 485p;
For other open access chapters from this book go to:
References used in constructing this exercise include:
Anandakrishnan, S., Catania, G.A., Alley, R.B., Horgan, H.W., 2007. Discovery of Till Deposition at the Grounding Line of Whillans Ice Stream. Science, v.315, no.5280, p.1835-1838.
Anderson, J.B., 2007. Ice Sheet Stability and Sea-level Rise. Science, v.315, no. 5280, p.1803-1804.
Barker, P.F., Kennett, J.P., et al., 1990. Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 113: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program). doi:10.2973/
Barrett, P.J. (Ed.), 1989. Antarctic Cenozoic history from the CIROS-1 drillhole. New Zealand De-partment of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin 245, 254 pp.
Barron, J., Larsen, B., et al., 1991. Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 119: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program). doi:10.2973/
Clark, P.U., Pisias, N.G., Stocker, T.F., and Weaver, A.J., 2002. The role of the thermohaline cir-culation in abrupt climate change. Nature, 415, p.863-869.
Conway, H., Hall, B.L., Denton, G.H., Gades, A.M., and Waddington, E.D., 1999. Past and Future Grounding-Line Retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Science, V. 286, no. 5438, p.280-283.
Davey, F.J., Barrett, P.J., Cita, M.B., Van der Meer,J.J.M., Tessensohn,F., Thomson, M.R.A., Webb, P.N., and Woolfe, K.J., 2001. Drilling for Antarctic Cenozoic Climate and Tectonic History at Cape Roberts, Southwestern Ross Sea, EOS, 82, p. 585 & 589-590. (cited 2008-07-15)
Domack, E.W., Jull, A.J.T., and Nakao, S., 1991. Advance of East Antarctic outlet glaciers during the Hypsithermal; implications for the volume state of the Antarctic ice sheet under global warming. Geology, v. 19; no. 11; p. 1059-1062
DVDP Bulletin Series prepared at the Dept. of Geology, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb Illinois. Available from the world wide web (accessed 2008-07-15)
Harwood, D.M., Florindo,F., Levy, R.H., Fielding, C.R., Pekar, S.F., Speece, M.A., and SMS Science Team, ANDRILL Southern McMurdo Sound Scientific Prospectus, ANDRILL Contribution 5, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, 29p. Available at (Accessed 2008-07-15)
Harwood, D.M., Lacy, L., and Levy, R.H., (eds.), 2002. Future Antarctic Margin Drilling: Developing a Science Program Plan for McMurdo Sound. ANDRILL Contribution 1, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Available at (Accessed 2008-07-15)
Hambrey, M.J., Barrett, P.J. and Powell, R.D., 2002. Late Oligocene and early Miocene glacimarine sedimentation in the SW Ross Sea, Antarctica: the record from offshore drilling. P.105-108 in Dowdeswell,J.A., and C.O. Cofaigh (Eds.), Glacier-Influenced Sedimentation on High Latitude Continental Margins, 2002. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 203, 392 p.
Hambrey, M.J. and McKelvey, 2000. Major Neogene fluctuations of the East Antarctic ice sheet: Stratigraphic evidence from the Lambert Glacier region. Geology, v. 28, no. 10, p.887-890.
Ivany, L.C., van Simaeys, S., Domack, E.W., and Samson, S.D., 2006. Evidence for an earliest Oligocene ice sheet on the Antarctic Peninsula. Geology, v. 34, no.5, p.377-380.
Krissek, L., Browne, G., Carter, L., Cowan, E., Dunbar, G., McKay, R., Naish, T., Powell, R., Reed, J., Wilch, T., and The ANDRILL-MIS Science Team, 2007. Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the AND-1B Core, ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf Project, Antarctica. Terra Antarctica, v. 14, no. 3, p.185-222.
Naish, T. et. al., 2009. Obliquity-paced Pliocene West Antarctic ice sheet oscillations. Nature, v. 458, p. 322-328. doi: 10.1038/nature07867.
Naish, T., et al., 2001. Orbitally indiced oscillations in the East Antarctic ice sheet at the Oligo-cene/Miocene boundary. Nature, v.413, p. 719-723.
Naish, T. et al, 2007. A Record of Antarctic Climate and Ice Sheet History Recovered. EOS, v. 88, no.50, p.557-558.
Naish, T., Powell, R., Levy, R., Henrys, S., Krissek, L., Niessen, F., Pompilio, M., Scherer, R., Wilson, G., and The ANDRILL-MIS Science Team, 2007. Synthesis of the Initial Scientific Results of the MIS Project (AND-1B Core), Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. Terra Antarctica, v. 14, no. 3, p.317-327.
Naish, T., Powell,R., Barrett, P., Horgan, H., Dunbar, G., Wilson, G., Levy, R., Robinson, N., Carter, L., Pyne, A., Bannister, S., Balfour, N., Damaske, D., Henrys, S., Kyle, P., and Wilson, T., ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf Scientific Prospectus, ANDRILL Contribution 4, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, 29p. (Accessed 2008-07-15)
Shevenell, A.E., Kennett, J.P., and D.W. Lea, 2004, Middle Miocene Southern Ocean Cooling and Antarctic Cryosphere Expansion. Science, 305, 1766-1770
Thomas, E., 2008. Descent into the Icehouse, Geology, v. 36, no.2, p. 191-192
Webb, P.N., 1990. The Cenozoic history of Antarctica and its global impact. Antarctic Science, v. 2, p. 3-21.
Wise, S. W., Jr., Schlich, R., et al., 1992. Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 120: College Station/TX (Ocean Drilling Program). doi:10.2973/
Zachos, J., Pagani, M., Sloan,L., Thomas, E., Billups, K, 2001. Trends, Rhythyms, and Aberrations in Global Climate 65Ma to Present. Science, v.292, p.686-693.