Knowledge Survey Questions - Geophysics
Initial Publication Date: September 6, 2006
Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 1
- What is the orientation of the di-polar vs. non di-polar field?
- Describe the "snowball earth" hypothesis.
- What is a wavelet?
Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 2
- How does gravitational acceleration vary with latitude?
- How does magnetic field strength vary with latitude?
- How does mantle viscosity and lithospheric flexure differ?
- How do you interpret a 2-component Zjiderveld diagram?
- How are focal mechanism solutions derived?
- How do campaign and continuous GPS surveys differ?
Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 3
- Given seismic reflection and refraction profiles of the same section, how would they differ?
- What is the application of GPR technology to environmental site assessment?
Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 4
- How does the location of Earth's rotation axis vary over time?
- What focal mechanism solution is most common along a divergent plate boundary?
- How would you interpret the results of a GPS array with large error ellipses?
Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 5
- Summarize the observed geoidal variations on Earth and the change in planetary shape observed in 1997. What are the future implications?