Initial Publication Date: September 6, 2006

Knowledge Survey Questions - Dinosaurs

Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 1

  • When did the dinosaurs live?
  • What is the basic ecology of the dinosaurs?

Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 2

  • Compare and contrast the two major groups of dinosaurs - saurischians vs. ornithischians.
  • Describe the general morphology of the ceratopsians.
  • Describe the general morphology of the stegosaurs.
  • Outline the major characteristics of the theropods.
  • Outline the major characteristics of the sauropods.

Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 4

  • Explain how cladistic methods are used to evaluate dinosaur relationships.

Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 6

  • Design a study that uses modern animals to explore dinosaur ecology and/or behavior.
  • Evaluate the evidence for dinosaur reproductive behavior.
  • Evaluate the evidence for the extinction of the dinosaurs.
  • Evaluate the statement "all dinosaurs are extinct."