Literature & Resources for Interdisciplinary & Integrative Learning
We have complied resources here to support interdisciplinary and integrative teaching activities, with a focus on science and math fields. You will find below resources in the areas of:
Research on Expert Interdisciplinary Thinking & Practice
Lattuca, Voigt, & Fath (2004). Does Interdisciplinarity Promote Learning? Theoretical Support and Researchable Questions. The Review of Higher Education, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 23-48.
Baker, Lawrence A. (2006). Perils and Pleasures of Multidisciplinary Research, Urban Ecosystems 9, pp. 45-47.
Interdisciplinary Studies Project, Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Miller, Mathew and Boix Mansilla, Veronica (2004). Thinking Across Perspectives and Disciplines. Interdisciplinary Studies Project, Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education. GoodWork Report 27. Cambridge, MA.
Boix Mansilla, Veronica, Dillon, Dan and Middlebrooks, Kaley (2004). Building Bridges Across Disciplines: Organizational and Individual Qualities of Exemplary Interdisciplinary Work. Interdisciplinary Studies Project, Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education. GoodWork Paper 16. Cambridge, MA.
Dillon, Dan (2001). [link 'A Review of the Santa Fe Institute: Institutional and individual qualities of expert interdisciplinary work']. (2001). Interdisciplinary Studies Project, Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education. GoodWork Paper 22. Cambridge, MA.
Caruso, Denise and Rhoten, Diana (2001). Lead, Follow, Get Out of the Way: Sidestepping the Barriers to Effective Practice of Interdisciplinarity. A New Mechanism for Knowledge Production and Re-Integration in the Age of Information. The Hybrid Vigor Institute. (mostly about interdisciplinary research)
Assessing Interdisciplinary Student Work in College
Mansilla, Veronica B. (2005). Assessing Student Work at Disciplinary Crossroads, Change 37 (1), pp. 14-21.
Wolfe, C. R., and Haynes, C. (2003). Interdisciplinary Writing Assessment Profiles. Issues in Integrative Studies 21, pp. 126-169.
Rhoten, Boix Mansilla, Chun, & Thompson Klein (2000). Interdisciplinary Education at Liberal Arts Institutions, Teagle Foundation White paper.
Strategies for Interdisciplinary Teaching
Hovland, Kevin (2006). Science, Diversity, and Global Learning: Untangling Complex Problems, Diversity Digest, 9 (3), Association of American Colleges and Universities.
ChemConnections Project (2004). W.W. Norton & Co. (interdisciplinary modules for introductory college chemistry)
University of Michigan's Global Change I Course: A Technology-Enhanced Interdisciplinary Learning Environment. (Retrieved Sept. 13, 2006)
Nikitina, Svetlana (2002). Three Strategies for Interdisciplinary Teaching: Contextualizing, Conceptualizing, and Problem-Solving ( Interdisciplinary Studies Project, Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education. Cambridge, MA.
Project Kaleidoscope resources on interdisciplinary STEM education.
Problem-Based Learning web site, University of Delaware.
Search 773 at this linkfor an entry, "Why problem-based learning?", from Tomorrow's Professor (Feb. 2, 2007).
National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, University of Buffalo.
Linkon, Sharon (no date). Carnegie Scholar. Learning Interdisciplinarity, A Course Portfolio. (Retrieved Sept. 13, 2006)
SENCER (no date). Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities. (Retrieved Sept. 13, 2006)
Integrative Learning
Editors Mary Taylor Huber, Cheryl Brown, Pat Hutchings, Richard Gale, Ross Miller, and Molly Breen (January 2007). Integrative Learning: Opportunities to Connect. Public Report of the Integrative Learning Project sponsored by the Association of American Colleges and Universities and The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Edited by Mary Taylor Huber, Cheryl Brown, Pat Hutchings, Richard Gale, Ross Miller, and Molly Breen. Stanford, CA. Includes sections that refer to projects at Carleton (Carleton's Integrative Learning Team and Trish Ferrett's integrative seminar pedagogy).
Huber, Mary Taylor and Hutchings, Pat (2004). Integrative Learning: Mapping the Terrain. Associate of American Colleges and Universities.
2005 Carnegie Scholars Cohort scholarly research on Integrative Science Learning:
- Joanne Stewart (Chemistry), Hope College. Integrative Learning in the Sciences: Decision Making at the Intersection of Science Knowledge and Student Beliefs and Values.
- Trish Ferrett (Chemistry & Environmental Studies), Carleton College. First Year Students "Go Beyond" with Integrative Inquiry into Abrupt Change.
- Matt Fisher (Chemistry), Vincent College. Connecting Biochemistry Through Public Health Issues to Institutional and Personal Values.
- Bettie Higgs (Geology), University College Cork, Ireland. 'Using a first-year residential field course to promote students' integrative learning.
- Michael Burke (Math), College of San Mateo. Integrative Learning in the Mathematics Classroom.
- Jack Mino (Psychology), Holyoke Community College. The Link Aloud: Making Interdisciplinary Learning Visible and Audible. (includes identification of student "mechanisms of integration")
- Lorraine Fleming (Engineering), Howard University. Integrative Learning in Engineering Design: The Role of Reflection.
- Greg Kremer (Engineering), Ohio University. Integrating Professional Skills with Engineering Identity.
Association for Integrative Studies
National Reports
National Research Council (2003). BIO 2010: Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists. The National Academies Press. Washington, D.C. (See Chpts. 3 & 4 especially)
Haynes, Carolyn, editor (2002). Innovations in Interdisciplinary Teaching. American Council on Education, Oryx Press. Wesport, CT.
Donald, Janet G. (2002). Learning to Think: Disciplinary Perspectives. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.
Becher, T. B. & Trowler, P. R. (2001). Academic Tribes and Territories: Intellectual Enquiry and the Culture of Disciplines, 2nd Edition. Buckingham: The Society of Research in Higher Education and Open University Press.
Lattuca, Lisa (2001). Creating Interdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinary Research and Teaching among College and University Faculty. Vanderbuilt University Press, Nashville, TN.
Knorr-Cetina, K. (1999). Epistemic Cultures: How the Sciences Make Knowledge. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Newell, William H. editor (1998). Interdisciplinarity: Essays from the Literature. College Entrance Examination Board, New York, NY.
Beane, James A. (1997). Curriculum Integration: Designing the Core of a Democratic Education. Teachers College Press, New York, NY.
Klein, Julie Thompson (1996). Crossing Boundaries. Knowledge, Disciplinarities, and Interdisciplinarities. University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
Klein, Julie Thompson (1990). Interdisciplinarity. History, Theory, and Practice. Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.