Suggested Reading

Initial Publication Date: July 16, 2007

These resources were submitted by leaders and presenters at the workshop as a way for participants to read in-depth background material about the topics that will be discussed. Participants are welcome to spend some time looking over these materials if they are not already familiar with the topics.

Contributor: Malcolm Campbell

Campbell, A.M. and B. Lom (2006). A Simple E-Mail Mechanism To Enhance Reflection, Independence, and Communication in Young Researchers, CBE Life Science Education, 5(4): 318-322.

Campbell, A.M., M.L.S. Ledbetter, L.L.M. Hoopes, T.T. Eckdahl, L.J. Heyer, A. Rosenwald, E. Fowlks, S. Tonidandel, B. Bucholtz, and G. Gottfried (2007). Genome Consortium for Active Teaching: Meeting the Goals of BIO2010, CBE Life Science Education, 6(2): 109-118.

Campbell, A.M., T.T. Eckdahl, E. Fowlks, L.J. Heyer, L.L. Mays Hoopes, M.L. Ledbetter, and A.G. Rosenwald (2006). COLLABORATIVE PROGRAMS: Genome Consortium for Active Teaching (GCAT). Science, 311(5764): 1103 - 1104.

Campbell, A.M. (2005). Meeting Report: Synthetic Biology Jamboree for Undergraduates. Cell Biology Education, 4(1): 19-23.

Contributor: Betsey Dyer and Mark LeBlanc

Dyer, B.D. and M.D. LeBlanc (2004). Meeting Report: Incorporating Genomics Research into Undergraduate Curricula. Cell Biology Education, 1(4): 101-104.

LeBlanc, M.D. and B.D. Dyer (2003). Teaching Together: A Three-Year Case Study in Genomics (Acrobat (PDF) 38kB Jul16 07). Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges.

LeBlanc, M.D. and B.D. Dyer (2004). Bioinformatics and computing curricula 2001: why computer science is well positioned in a post-genomic world. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 36(4): 64-68.

Contributor: Brad Goodner

Goodner, B.W., C.A. Wheeler, P.J. Hall, and S.C. Slater (2003). Massively Parallel Undergraduates for Bacterial Genome Finishing Mobilizing students for genome research can yield useful results and a valuable educational experience. ASM News, 69(12).

Contributor: John Edwards

Ju, J., D.H. Kim, L. Bi, Q. Meng, X. Bai, Z. Li, X. Li, M.S. Marma*, S. Shi, J. Wu, J.R. Edwards, A. Romu, and N.J. Turro (2006). Four-color DNA sequencing by synthesis using cleavable fluorescent nucleotide reversible terminators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(52): 19635-19640.