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Volcano Activities
Resource Type: Activities
Results 1 - 10 of 180 matches
Volcano Monitoring with GPS: Westdahl Volcano Alaska
Maite Agopian, EarthScope; Beth Pratt-Sitaula, EarthScope Consortium
Learners use graphs of GPS position data to determine how the shape of Westdahl Volcano, Alaska is changing. If the flanks of a volcano swell or recede, it is a potential indication of magma movement and changing ...
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Volcano Lab - Google Earth
Tamara Misner, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Volcano shape is strongly controlled by eruptive style, which in turn is controlled by magma composition and tectonic setting. This lab utilizes Google Earth, which takes students on a virtual field trip, in order ...
Measure a Changing Volcano
This hands-on demonstration illustrates how GPS can be used to measure the inflation and deflation of a volcano. Volcanoes may inflate when magma rises closer to the surface and deflate when the pressure dissipates or after an eruption.
Unit 2: Kilauea Hawai'i - Monday Morning Meeting at the USGS Hawai'i Volcano Observatory
Kaatje van der Hoeven Kraft, Whatcom Community College and Rachel Teasdale, California State University-Chico
How do volcanologists at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory monitor volcanoes? In a jigsaw format, students first work in teams to learn one of the four volcano monitoring data sets (GPS, Tilt, Seismic and InSAR) and ...
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Linear Regression: The Breathing Hekla Volcano
Robert Moucha, Syracuse University
This MATLAB computing lab assignment introduces students to linear regression using real geodetic data depicting the inflation and deflation of the Hekla Volcano in Iceland over two decades. Students use linear ...
Petrology and Geochemistry of the Puʻuʻōʻō Eruption of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i (1983-2009)
Created by:
Andrew R. Greene (Hawai'i Pacific University;
Michael O. Garcia (University of Hawai'i at MÄnoa;
Tim Orr (U.S. Geological Survey;
The Puʻuʻōʻō eruption of Kīlauea Volcano on the island of Hawai'i has been closely monitored and studied since its inception in 1983. This laboratory exercise utilizes the excitement of an ongoing ...
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Earthquake/Volcano Guided Research Project
Brett Dooley, Patrick Henry Community College
Students work collaboratively in triads to understand events associated with an historic earthquake, an historic volcanic eruption, and current techniques for monitoring one of the two natural disasters. After ...
Volcano Homework Assignment
Steven Jaume, College of Charleston
This assignment includes rank ordering lava flow data from Hawaii and using it to predict repeat times of lava flow areas. This and similar quantitative assignments emphasize power law frequency-magnitude ...
Taking the Pulse of Yellowstone's "Breathing" Volcano
Beth Pratt-Sitaula, EarthScope Consortium; Shelley E Olds, EarthScope Consortium
In this activity, students learn about volcanism in Yellowstone National Park, focusing on its history of eruptions, recent seismicity, hydrothermal events, and ground deformation. They learn how scientists monitor ...
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Old Sticks in the Mud: Hazards of Lahars from Mount Rainier Volcano
Patrick Pringle, Centralia College
Volcanic debris flows (lahars) flow long distances, bury and aggrade river valleys, and cause long-term stream disturbances and dramatic landscape changes. Students will evaluate the nature, scale, and history of ...
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