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Evolution Courses

Results 1 - 10 of 149 matches

Evolution of the Earth
John Dawson, Kirkwood Community College
A presentation of basic concepts in historical geology, which includes the origin of the earth, stratigraphy, the geological time scale and geochronology, evolution and the fossil record, and plate tectonics. A ...

Evolution of Western North America
Karen Viskupic, Boise State University; Mark Schmitz, Boise State University
This course is designed to provide future geoscientists with a basic understanding of how geological processes have shaped the structure and evolution of the western North American continent. The study of the ...

Evolution and Creationism
Katherine Bulinski, Bellarmine University
Creation stories are a central tenant to many of the world's religious traditions and help us to understand our place in the universe. At the same time, scientific evidence demonstrates how earth and the ...

The Evolution/Creation Debate
Tim Heaton, University of South Dakota
In this course students are exposed to the modern scientific theories of the earth and life and to the diverse brands of Christian creationism and how they measure up to scientific analysis. Students explore these ...

Evolution of the Earth
Kathrynq Hoppe, Green River Community College
Goals of class: To discuss the past history of Earth and its inhabitants. It examines how the geologic record can be used to reconstruct how we got where we are today, and how it can help us predict the future.

GEOS 2004 - Evolution of the Earth System
Overview of Planet Earth from a systems perspective. Draws on knowledge from all geosciences to explore interconnections and co-evolution of the solid earth, atmosphere, oceans, and living things. Evolution of ...

Earth: Evolution of a Habitable World
This is Earth history taught from a planetary science perspective, comparing it to its neighboring planets. Using a systems approach, students determine how and why the atmosphere and the climate have changed over ...

Karl Kreutz: Using Systems Thinking in Global Environmental Change at University of Maine
Karl Kreutz, University of Maine
My course focuses on the reservoir of atmospheric carbon dioxide – what controls it, how it has changed in the geologic past, how it is changing now and the role that humans have played in its evolution, the effects on Earth's energy balance, and potential future climate and environmental implications. Because these processes play out on a range of time and space scales, direct experimentation is difficult in an undergraduate setting. Systems thinking provides an ideal platform for understanding the flow of carbon between reservoirs, and for gaining an appreciation of how important the intersection of earth science and society is with respect to carbon, climate, and energy. Implementing this module made a dramatic difference in the class, improving student learning on everything from global models of the carbon cycle to the formation and flow of methane in our local peat bog.

The Evolving Earth
Qusheng Jin, University of Oregon
This course introduces fascinating topics of evolution: from big bang to the birth of our mother planet, arise of O2 and its deep impact on evolution, appearance of first drop of water and life, sea monsters and ...

James Kuwabara, City College of San Francisco
Geologic, chemical and physical history of our oceans including currents, waves, tides and coastal processes. Evolution of the oceans and ocean basins with emphasis on the interaction of the physical environment ...