Theme: Online Education

The programming listed below seeks to address the topic of Online Education.

Teaching Online WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30am-11:30am Ritchie Hall: 366

Adrianne Leinbach, Wake Technical Community College
Bridget James, San Francisco State University

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This workshop is geared toward those already teaching online but will also benefit those just starting with online instruction. Workshop leaders have a combined total of 30 years of teaching online. Collaborations ...
Adapting InTeGrate Modules to Online Courses ORAL SESSION
Monday 2:00pm Ritchie Hall: 366

Tara Holmberg, Northwestern Connecticut Community College

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Using InTeGrate modules in multiple onground and hybrid courses since Spring 2016, gains in student achievement in objectives related to soils, agriculture, mining, climate change, among others have been ...
How Do Effort and Judgments of Learning during Online Practice Quizzes Predict Exam Outcomes in an Introductory Physical Geology Course? ORAL SESSION
Monday 3:15pm Ritchie Hall: 366

Jason Jones, North Carolina State University
David McConnell, North Carolina State University

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The level of consonance between students' perceptions of their abilities and their actual ability to perform is often quite limited. The ability to accurately monitor the level of one's learning is an ...
My NASA Data 2.0: Reducing Barriers to Access Earth System Data POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 4:30pm-5:45pm Beren Auditorium

Elizabeth Joyner, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, SSAI
Tina Harte, NASA Langley Research Center

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NASA offers petabytes of global Earth science data collected from satellites but accessing these data in a traditional science classroom can be tricky. After nearly 15 years of offering Earth science data to ...
Does user experience determine user success with a climate decision support system? ORAL SESSION
Thursday 2:00pm Ritchie Hall: 368

Lindsay Maudlin, North Carolina State University
karen mcneal, Auburn University Main Campus

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A web-based decision support system (DSS), the Pine Integrated Network: Education, Mitigation, and Adaptation Project (PINEMAP) DSS, was developed to provide climate information for forestry stakeholders in the ...
Collaborative Learning in an Online Course: Building community ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION
Friday 1:30pm-2:45pm Burge Union Forum C/D

Christopher Berg, Orange Coast College

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This roundtable discussion is intended for instructors who teach, or are interested in teaching, online classes with a collaborative learning component. Encouraging teamwork in an online class increases peer ...
Effects of Climate Change on the American Southwest
Friday 2:10pm-2:30pm Ritchie Hall: 366

Alexandra Priewisch, Fresno City College

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The activity consists of a PowerPoint presentation which introduces the students to the topic. They will then work on handouts which engage them in analyzing various graphs related to climate data, such as summer ...
Tools & Support for Integrating Real Environmental Data into Education POSTER SESSION
Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm Beren Auditorium

Liza Brazil, Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc
Jon Pollak, Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc

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Using real data in a classroom setting can help students better understand scientific concepts. By working with data from a place they are familiar with they can form deeper connections to the research or they can ...
Towards Development and Online Deployment of Virtual Rocks and Minerals for Teaching and Learning POSTER SESSION
Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm Beren Auditorium

Scott Brande, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Patrick McDaniel, University of Alabama at Birmingham

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In a recent review of the technology for creating and deploying three-dimensional models of geological objects, De Paor (2016) emphasized the diversity of applications in research and learning. However, in the ...
Using fossils of the Paleobiology Database (PBDB) To Explore the Tectonic Linkage of the Americas POSTER SESSION
Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm Beren Auditorium

Callan Bentley, Piedmont Virginia Community College

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In this poster, we describe and demonstrate a student activity we developed utilizing the Paleobiology Database's (PBDB's) user-friendly "Navigator" interface. The activity has students to ...
Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm Beren Auditorium

Charles Carlson, Old Dominion University
Jennifer Georgen, Old Dominion University

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The use of Google technology within the classroom provides a captivating, progressive, and hands-on strategy for teaching undergraduate science lessons. This Google TourBuilder activity provides an online ...