Initial Publication Date: July 5, 2012

University of Houston Electron Microprobe Facility

University of Houston (link to core facilities)

Contact Information

Jay Stormer or Jinny Sisson




Instrument Type

ELECTRON MICROBEAM - EDS energy dispersive spectrometer; CL cathodoluminescence detector +/- spectrometer; EMPA electron microprobe; wavelength dispersive spectrometers

Cameca SX50


Mineral composition

Typical Use:

Conditions for Use:

Visitors are invited to work in the lab to work with lab personnel
Visitors are invited to work in the lab to design and do the work yourself

User Fees:

Contact lab manager for current rates

Instrument Priorities:

Funded research, Lab visitors, class demonstrations (e.g., mineralogy), student projects, unfunded research.

Remote Use:


Sample Preparation:

Polished thin sections (either rectangular or round mounts)

Standard Collections/Lab Blanks:

Full set of standards for commonly analyzed minerals


SAMx operating system

Educational Use:

Class demonstrations are available for undergraduates
Class demonstrations are available for K-12
Undergraduate student research projects are invited
Graduate student research projects are invited

Support provided by:

The instrument was purchased with funds from the department and University of Houston. We recently upgraded the EDS, light element crystal from OdPb to PC1, added a CL, and changed to SAMx software. This was funded by NSF grant EAR0949400.