Estimation of Elastic Properties of a Composite Laminate Using Matlab

Syd Soltani, Florida Polytechnic University, Mechanical Ehgineering
Author Profile


In this activity, students learn how to use simple Matlab programming to determine the missing material properties for a composite laminate.

Learning Goals

How to use MATLAB programming to estimate the material properties for an orthotropic material.
Matlab is utilized to estimate the material properties through an iterative process. Moreover, Matlab is used to visualize the data. This activity will improve the student's programming and data visualization skills.
Students would work on this activity in groups of 3-5, they are required to use their engineering judgement to interpret the results.

Context for Use

The educational level: senior/junior undergrad
Class size" 15-40
Institution type= undergrad engineering college
Is it a lab, classroom activity, or a longer project? How much time is needed? this activity could be conducted as a lab activity, the time that it might take could be from 20 minutes to 60 minutes depending on how students are prepared.
What are the technical skills and experience with MATLAB the students need to complete this activity?
Are there other disciplinary skills or concepts that students should have already mastered before encountering this activity? A basic knowledge of elasticity is required.
How is this activity situated in the course? This activity should be given to the students in an upper level elasticity, solid mechanics course or mechanics of composite materials after the students are introduced to the compliance and stiffness matrices for an orthotropic material.
How easy (or hard) would it be to adapt the activity for use in other settings? This activity would not be recommended for students who lack basic programming skills.
Describe the technical skills and experience with MATLAB the students must have mastered before the beginning of the activity:
Basic Matlab programming with a basic knowledge of elasticity.

Description and Teaching Materials

In this activity, students in groups of 3 to 5 are asked to solve a two-part problem pertaining to the estimation of materials properties in an orthotropic material using Matlab programming.
The instructor will explain how to get the answers using Matlab programming after students have written their own codes in class.
Problem Statement (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 17kB Sep21 22)
Solution to Part 1 (Text File 481bytes Sep21 22)
Solution to Part 2 (Text File 551bytes Sep21 22)

Teaching Notes and Tips

Make sure that students are grouped up in a way that there is at least one student with a basic Matlab programming and one student with basic elasticity knowledge in each group.


The submissions can eb graded by the accuracy of the estimated material properties and the correctness of the Matlab code.

References and Resources

Mechanical of Composite Materials by Dr. Kaw