Resource Collection
If you have created or know of resources that would be helpful to those working in K-12 STEM Teacher Preparation, please consider adding it to this Searchable Toolbox. All resources will be reviewed by our NextGen team and if we have questions we will contact you.
Please Contribute a resource for consideration.
Resource Type
- Activities 17 matches
- Book or book chapter(s) 12 matches
- Case studies 8 matches
- Conference presentations/products 16 matches
- Courses 18 matches
- Curricula 23 matches
- Links to agencies, organizations, and professional societies 14 matches
- Model degree or endorsement programs 9 matches
- Position papers or recommendations 17 matches
- Peer-reviewed article 50 matches
- Standards and assessments 6 matches
- Tools, rubrics, etc. for programmatic improvements 37 matches
Teacher Prep Topic
- Equity, inclusion and diversity 35 matches
- Clinical practices, pedagogies, and partnerships 58 matches
- Pedagogical Strategies in STEM Teacher Preparation 56 matches
- Induction 3 matches
- Recruiting, advising, mentoring pre-service students 25 matches
- Institutional and programmatic change 19 matches
- Integrative or Disciplinary Resources 73 matches
- Policies affecting STEM Teacher Prep 12 matches
Grade Level
Resource Origin
Results 1 - 10 of 150 matches
Curriculum for the Bioregion
Curriculum for the Bioregion engages faculty communities in exploring these issues and in building sustainability concepts and place-based learning in a wide array of courses and disciplines. Created as an initiative of the Washington Center for Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Education at The Evergreen State College, Curriculum for the Bioregion is now situated at Western Washington University.
Teacher Prep Topic: Institutional and programmatic change
Grade Level: Secondary STEM teacher preparation, Elementary STEM teacher preparation
Transforming Teacher Education Through Clinical Practice: A National Strategy to Prepare Effective Teachers
An NCATE-commissioned report of the blue-ribbon panel on clinical preparation and partnerships for improved student learning.
Teacher Prep Topic: Pedagogical Strategies in STEM Teacher Preparation, Clinical practices, pedagogies, and partnerships, Recruiting, advising, mentoring pre-service students
Grade Level: Elementary STEM teacher preparation, Secondary STEM teacher preparation
A Framework for Practice-Based Teacher Education
This resource introduces a research-based framework for understanding practice-based teacher education (PBTE). It represents a synthesis of the recent literature on PBTE and builds a case for why student learning, professional teaching, and teacher preparation benefit from practice-based pedagogies in teacher education.
Teacher Prep Topic: Clinical practices, pedagogies, and partnerships
Grade Level: Secondary STEM teacher preparation, Elementary STEM teacher preparation
Resource Origin: Generated by NextGen-WA STEM Teacher Prep project
Knowledge Base for Teaching and Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK): Some Useful Models and Implications for Teachers' Training
This study looks critically at the various Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) models frequently cited in literature and points out similarities and differences so that the reader can develop more insight into PCK and analyze the models' use and validity.
Teacher Prep Topic: Integrative or Disciplinary Resources:Pedagogical Content Knowledge/Content Knowledge for Teaching , Pedagogical Strategies in STEM Teacher Preparation
Grade Level: Secondary STEM teacher preparation, Elementary STEM teacher preparation
The NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering
With input from people around the world, an international group of leading technological thinkers were asked to identify the Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st century. Their 14 game-changing goals for improving life on the planet, announced in 2008, are outlined here. The committee suggested these Grand Challenges fall into four cross-cutting themes: SUSTAINABILITY, HEALTH, SECURITY, and JOY OF LIVING.
Teacher Prep Topic: Integrative or Disciplinary Resources:Integrated STEM, Policies affecting STEM Teacher Prep, Integrative or Disciplinary Resources:Pedagogical Content Knowledge/Content Knowledge for Teaching , Integrative or Disciplinary Resources, Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Space Science, Environmental Science), Clinical practices, pedagogies, and partnerships, Equity, inclusion and diversity, Pedagogical Strategies in STEM Teacher Preparation, Recruiting, advising, mentoring pre-service students, Integrative or Disciplinary Resources:Integrating STEM with Humanities and the Arts, Engineering
Grade Level: Elementary STEM teacher preparation, Secondary STEM teacher preparation
Just Schools: Building Equitable Collaborations with Families and Communities
This book speaks to the possibility of involving families and communities in schools for the purpose of transforming education systems towards equity.
Teacher Prep Topic: Equity, inclusion and diversity
Grade Level: Secondary STEM teacher preparation, Elementary STEM teacher preparation
Robotics K-3: Unplugged Coding
Tami Moffatt, Clover Park School District
A short presentation of resources and strategies for teaching robotics to K-3 students.
Teacher Prep Topic: Integrative or Disciplinary Resources, Engineering, Equity, inclusion and diversity, Integrative or Disciplinary Resources:Computer Science, Integrated STEM
Grade Level: Elementary STEM teacher preparation
Resource Origin: Generated by NextGen-WA STEM Teacher Prep project
A conceptual framework for integrated STEM education
This article outlines a STEM education conceptual framework, with the goal of helping educators conceptualize how STEM cuts across disciplines. The authors claim that in order to prepare students for a complex global society, we must understand the complexity of our own disciplines.
Teacher Prep Topic: Clinical practices, pedagogies, and partnerships
Grade Level: Secondary STEM teacher preparation, Elementary STEM teacher preparation
Redefining Teaching, Re-Imagining Teacher Education
The authors advocate for a conceptualization of teaching as a complex endeavor where teachers are decision-makers and reflective practitioners, with an accompanying shift of teacher education to emphasize clinical practice and pedagogies of enactment.
Teacher Prep Topic: Clinical practices, pedagogies, and partnerships
Grade Level: Secondary STEM teacher preparation, Elementary STEM teacher preparation
"POGIL is a teaching pedagogy that makes students feel engaged, accomplished & empowered. POGIL is Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning"
Teacher Prep Topic: Clinical practices, pedagogies, and partnerships
Grade Level: Secondary STEM teacher preparation, Elementary STEM teacher preparation