Resource Collection

If you have created or know of resources that would be helpful to those working in K-12 STEM Teacher Preparation, please consider adding it to this Searchable Toolbox. All resources will be reviewed by our NextGen team and if we have questions we will contact you.

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Results 1 - 10 of 150 matches

Practice Makes Practice: Learning to Teach in Teacher Education
This article describes innovations in methods courses at the University of Washington: centering preservice teachers' learning around core practices, and "mediated fieldwork." The authors identify the need to overcome divides between theory and practice, courses and fieldwork, and as well as the need to revise pedagogies, curriculum, and organizational structures to achieve meaningful reform in teacher education.

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed article
Teacher Prep Topic: Pedagogical Strategies in STEM Teacher Preparation, Clinical practices, pedagogies, and partnerships
Grade Level: Elementary STEM teacher preparation, Secondary STEM teacher preparation

Preservice teachers' experiences of STEM integration: Challenges and implications for integrated STEM teacher preparation
Research article describes students practices and experiences within an integrated STEM methods course for secondary preservice teachers. Describes challenges PSTs encountered as they developed and taught integrated STEM lessons.

Resource Type: Courses, Peer-reviewed article
Teacher Prep Topic: Integrative or Disciplinary Resources:Integrated STEM, Integrative or Disciplinary Resources, Pedagogical Content Knowledge/Content Knowledge for Teaching , Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Space Science, Environmental Science), Clinical practices, pedagogies, and partnerships, Pedagogical Strategies in STEM Teacher Preparation, Integrative or Disciplinary Resources:Mathematics, Engineering
Grade Level: Secondary STEM teacher preparation

Beyond Equity as Inclusion: A Framework of "Rightful Presence" for Guiding Justice-Oriented Studies in Teaching and Learning
This essay presents a rightful presence framework that "highlights the limitations of equity as inclusion" and "orients the field towards the importance of political struggles to make present the lives of those made missing by schooling and discipline-specific norms." This essay includes two STEM classroom vignettes to illustrate this framework's tensions and guiding tenets.

Resource Type: Position papers or recommendations, Peer-reviewed article
Teacher Prep Topic: Equity, inclusion and diversity
Grade Level: Secondary STEM teacher preparation, Elementary STEM teacher preparation

Building STEM Education on a Sound Mathematical Foundation
This is a position statement from the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Calls for educational experiences that support students' understanding of STEM discipline connection and integration. Argues that making mathematics integral to these experiences will support positive outcomes in connecting STEM to student's daily experiences and preparing for futures in STEM. Provides recommendations for STEM leaders, teachers, and curriculum developers.

Resource Type: Links to agencies, organizations, and professional societies, Position papers or recommendations
Teacher Prep Topic: Integrative or Disciplinary Resources:Integrated STEM, Mathematics, Policies affecting STEM Teacher Prep
Grade Level: Secondary STEM teacher preparation, Elementary STEM teacher preparation

Guidance in Elementary Teaching About Climate and Energy including teaching strategies and NGSS alignment
Guidance in Elementary Teaching About Climate and Energy including teaching strategies and NGSS alignment

Resource Type: Curricula
Teacher Prep Topic: Institutional and programmatic change
Grade Level: Elementary STEM teacher preparation

Preparing University Faculty for Clinically-Oriented, Practice-Based Teacher Education
A presentation from the 73rd annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE). We describe our synthesis of the clinical practice literature that led us to focus on core practices and practice-based teacher education pedagogies, and we discuss how we operationalized those ideas into professional development and related tools for university-based teams of education faculty.

Resource Type: Conference presentations/products
Teacher Prep Topic: Pedagogical Strategies in STEM Teacher Preparation, Clinical practices, pedagogies, and partnerships
Grade Level: Secondary STEM teacher preparation, Elementary STEM teacher preparation
Resource Origin: Generated by NextGen-WA STEM Teacher Prep project

Just Schools: Building Equitable Collaborations with Families and Communities
This book speaks to the possibility of involving families and communities in schools for the purpose of transforming education systems towards equity.

Resource Type: Book or book chapter(s)
Teacher Prep Topic: Equity, inclusion and diversity
Grade Level: Secondary STEM teacher preparation, Elementary STEM teacher preparation

Robotics K-3: Unplugged Coding
Tami Moffatt, Clover Park School District
A short presentation of resources and strategies for teaching robotics to K-3 students.

Resource Type: Conference presentations/products, Curricula
Teacher Prep Topic: Integrative or Disciplinary Resources, Engineering, Equity, inclusion and diversity, Integrative or Disciplinary Resources:Computer Science, Integrated STEM
Grade Level: Elementary STEM teacher preparation
Resource Origin: Generated by NextGen-WA STEM Teacher Prep project

Making Muffins: Identifying Core Ingredients of School-University Partnerships
This article identifies seven "core ingredients" that the authors propose should be present in all school-university partnerships in order to achieve high-quality, clinically-based teacher education.

Resource Type: Tools, rubrics, etc. for programmatic improvements, Peer-reviewed article
Teacher Prep Topic: Clinical practices, pedagogies, and partnerships

Pedagogical content knowledge and preparation of high school physics teachers
This paper provides a detailed description of the practices and course work of a physics and physical science teacher prep program where the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary aspects of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) are foundational. They offer their philosophy and curriculum to be adapted and applied in other STEM teacher preparation programs.

Resource Type: Tools, rubrics, etc. for programmatic improvements, Peer-reviewed article, Courses
Teacher Prep Topic: Integrative or Disciplinary Resources:Pedagogical Content Knowledge/Content Knowledge for Teaching , Clinical practices, pedagogies, and partnerships, Pedagogical Strategies in STEM Teacher Preparation, Integrative or Disciplinary Resources:Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Space Science, Environmental Science)
Grade Level: Secondary STEM teacher preparation