Collaborators' Meeting Participants:
Meeting Facilitators
Cathryn Manduca, Director, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College
Sean Fox, Technical Director, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College
Meeting Participants
Lyle Barbato comPADRE Digital Resources for Physics and Astronomy Education (more info)
Scott Cooper MERLOT Biology
Ann Egger Visionlearning
Joan Garfield (participating via conference call) CAUSE (The Consortium for Undergraduate Statistics Education)
Nathan Grawe Carleton College Learning and Teaching Center (more info)
Bruce Mason comPADRE Digital Resources for Physics and Astronomy Education (more info)
David Mogk MLER (Microbial Life Educational Resources)
Brandon Muramatsu eduCommons
Jim Rutledge MERLOT Mathematics
Jeremy Sabol The Center for Teaching and Learning-Stanford University
Scott Simkins North Carolina A&T State University (Economics Pedagogic Portal)
Hubert Staudigel ERESE (Enduring Resources for Earth Sciences Education)
Cathy Swift MERLOT
Len Vacher SSAC (Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum)
SERC Staff
Bill Bruihler Previous Office and Project Manager
Ellen Iverson Evaluation Specialist and Programmer
John McDaris Geoscience Content Developer
Aleshia Mueller Geoscience Assistant and Media Producer