
POGIL Examples in the PKAL Collection

Results 1 - 4 of 4 matches

Metric System Conversions: Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) activity part of MnSCU Partnership:PKAL-MnSCU Activities
This activity helps student learn to convert within the metric system and begin learning about process skill necessary for working in groups.

Student Inquiry Into Cellular Respiration part of MnSCU Partnership:PKAL-MnSCU Activities
A POGIL activity regarding cellular respiration with an additional activity regarding the function of NAD+ in redox reactions.

Ionic and Binary Compound Chemical Nomenclature part of MnSCU Partnership:PKAL-MnSCU Activities
This is a POGIL activity geared for general chemistry students. The activity guides students through the process of determining how ionic and binary compounds are named as well as inorganic acids.

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