Initial Publication Date: March 16, 2015
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- Product Dissemination 1 match A focus on helping publicize and raise awareness of the outcomes, products, and findings of project work. This can include activities such as presentations at professional meetings, writing manuscripts, running webinars, and writing press releases.
- Website Hosting and Development 1 match A focus on providing the technical infrastructure and support for a project's website. This can include activities such as creating new SERCkit tools, development of website architecture, and design of the website's look and feel.
Current Search Limits:
College Upper (15-16)
Computer Science
1 match
Parallel Computing in the Computer Science Curriculum
CSinParallel provides a resource for computer science educators to find, share, and discuss modular teaching materials that support undergraduates in learning parallel computing techniques. SERC hosts and helped design this website including its visual search interfaces.
CSinParallel provides a resource for computer science educators to find, share, and discuss modular teaching materials that support undergraduates in learning parallel computing techniques. SERC hosts and helped design this website including its visual search interfaces.
Project Focus: Disciplinary Skills and Habits of Mind
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Website Hosting and Development:Online Tool Development
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Website Hosting and Development:Online Tool Development