Lynsey LeMay

Initial Publication Date: July 14, 2014

Thomas Nelson Community College

Lynsey LeMay is a SAGE 2YC local workshop leader and an instructor at Thomas Nelson Community College. She co-convened the 2015 workshop Supporting Student Success for Under-prepared 2YC Students and Students with Disabilities at the College of William and Mary, the 2013 workshop Forging Professional Opportunities between Community Colleges and the Workforce at Thomas Nelson Community College and the 2014 workshop Supporting the Whole Student: Strategies for Success in the Classroom, Transferring, and Finding Professional Opportunities at J. Sargent Reynolds Community College. She is also on the SAGE 2YC advisory committee.

LeMay is a past president of the Geo2YC Division of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers. Her Introduction to Physical Geology is featured in the Geoscience in Two Year Colleges collection. You can read about how she incorporates cross-curricular success skill development in her oceanography course in her essay "Building Success Skills into an Oceanography Curriculum" written for the 2013 Supporting Student Success Workshop. She and her colleagues developed a speakers series for her college, which you can read about in her essay for the 2012 Preparing Students in Two-year Colleges for Geoscience Degrees and Careers. She also describes the geology program at TNCC in a page for the Building Strong Geoscience Programs project.


LeMay teaches Physical Geology (lecture and lab, as well as online), Historical Geology (lecture and lab) and Oceanography (lecture and lab).

Professional Interests

LeMay's educational interests focus on teaching diverse student groups, open-inquiry activities, and adjunct relations. Her geoscience interests include geoscience education, salt marsh geomorphology, coastal processes


Thomas Nelson Community College is a two-year college in Virginia with two campuses, one in Hampton, and the other near Williamsburg. It serves the cities of Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, and Williamsburg, and the counties of James City and York, Virginia. It has over 16,000 students - 61% of whom are women and 35% of whom are Black or African-American.