Initial Publication Date: May 7, 2007
Who is Using GeoPads for Instruction?
The following is a list of universities and colleges that are currently using GeoPads in their field instruction program:- Geological Field Mapping in the University of California at Berkeley Curriculum (Microsoft Word 44kB Mar6 07) - This document from George Brimhall describes the role of digital mapping at the University of CA at Berkeley and the development of GeoMapper.
- University of Kansas Digital mapping homepage - This web page by Doug Walker at the University of Kansas includes information on mapping with ArcGIS 9.x and ArcView 3.2, a geodatabase for geological mapping, an Avenues script, a tutorial and sample data, practical advice on printer issues and other troubles running the software, and computer applications related to digital mapping. KU has integrated ruggedized laptops and ESRI GIS into their field geology curriculum and research since 1998.
- MIT Center for Digital Geology (MCDIG) - This website covers research and education efforts at the MCDIG focused on using digital technologies in field geology.
- Bowling Green State University (BGSU) Digital Mapping Homepage - BGSU has integrated GeoPad technology (pocket PC and now tablet PC) within its geology field course since 1999. This technology is also utilized in other on-campus courses and faculty research. This web site provides project design examples, and advice for those planning to adopt the technology.
- University of Texas at Austin GIS & GPS Applications in Earth Sciences - This web page by Mark Helper at the University of Texas at Austin includes GIS/GPS labs useful for applications using ArcGIS. Lab topics include projections, digitizing and geodatabase construction, exporting geodatabase data to ArcPad, an ArcPad primer, internet resources, etc.
- Northern Arizona University--Integrating HP Tablet PCs "Throughout The Curriculum" to Teach Geosciences at Northern Arizona University, Mark Manone, Nick McKay and Paul Umhoefer
- Vassar College--Mobile Mapping Using Tablet PCs and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Field-based College Courses. See the article Using Mobile Mapping to Determine Rates of Meander Migration in an Undergraduate Geomorphology Course by Kirsten Menking and Meg E. Stewart (Jour. Geoscience Education, March 2007, vol 55 #2, p. 147).
- Montana State University (MSU) Global Positioning System (GPS) Laboratory - This web page by Diana Cooksey at MSU includes information about the GPS lab, GPS equipment and services, MSU GPS base station, planning a mapping project, as well as additional GPS & GIS links. Of particular interest is information about GPS theory, as well as slide shows about GPS basics, accuracy, applications, and mapping issues.
- Montana State University (MSU) Geographic Information and Analysis Center (GIAC) - This webpage provides GIS services to the academic community and to the Montana community at large. The Center contributes, in the land grant tradition, to the university's programs of education, research and outreach by conducting on- and off-campus workshops, providing GIS technical support to the GIS-user's community, maintaining a GIS and Remote Sensing Computer Lab, and conducting joint government-industry-university research using a variety of geographic information system and remote sensing packages.
- The University of New Mexico LiDAR Lab - Working with the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, the Lab is currently teaching graduate students how to use GeoPads in their research. A recent purchase of 10 new GeoPads is being completed to spearhead a broader effort to integrate this type of technology within field classes and the core geology curriculum. The effort is under development and you can track UNM's progress at the UNM GeoPad Project website. This website is about to move, so do not bookmark it!