Initial Publication Date: August 21, 2008
Some General Principles for Teaching Academic Writing in the Disciplines
1. Take an inventory of course goals (often stated in syllabus as learning outcomes)
- subject matter goals--essential concepts and knowledge
- critical thinking goals—disciplinary processes of inquiry, critical reading, writing, and argument
- other goals set by the professor or connected to departmental or general-education/core outcomes
2. Design critical thinking problems connected to your course goals.
- Problems should require students to use course knowledge while helping them learn disciplinary ways of thinking, analyzing, and arguing
- Problems should engage student interest and promote inquiry
- Highest level of critical thinking typically comes from "messy," "ill-structured," or open-ended problems with no algorithmically attained "right answer"—problems that lead to a claim with supporting arguments.
3. Develop a repertoire of ways to give critical thinking problems to students
- Thought provokers for exploratory writing (in-class freewrites; journal entries; one-page "thinking pieces"; other kinds of informal, non-graded writing)
- Tasks for small-group problem solving or opening questions for a whole-class discussion
- Short (2-3 page) assignments or even shorter (one-paragraph) microtheme assignments.
- Longer, formal writing assignments or as options for research paper topics
- Essay exam questions or practice exam questions
4. Think of writing assignments as a crucial part of course design
- "Reverse engineer" your course by designing the final assignment first (principle of "backward design")
- Create earlier assignments that develop the skills needed for the final assignment (sometimes called "scaffolding assignments")
- Consider breaking longer assignments into stages
- Consider adding informal non-graded writing to help students explore ideas and promote learning
5. When assigning formal writing, treat writing as a process
- Create a rhetorical context for assignments giving students a sense of audience, purpose, and genre (Give students a "RAFT"—see next page of this handout)
- Emphasize exploration, reflective research, good talking, multiple perspectives
- Encourage imperfect first drafts
- Stress substantial revision reflecting increased complexity and elaboration of thought and increased awareness of readers' needs
- Where possible, allow rewrites; write comments that encourage revision and that emphasize the higher order concerns of ideas, thought content, organization, and development
- Consider instituting peer review workshops
- Encourage the value of a writing center for all writers
6. Develop clear scoring criteria and give them to students in advance
- simple numerical or +/check/- scales for exploratory writing
- grading rubrics or scoring guides for formal writing