Funding Opportunities
Initial Publication Date: August 31, 2009
Course Revision/Creation Grants
The due date for curricular revision grant ($1200 for course revision and $3600 for new course creation) proposals has passed. But another call for proposals will be sent out in January 2010. Talk to Greg Marfleet ( for more information.
Research Assistants for Faculty
Teams of student RAs work for faculty taking their teaching or scholarship in new, quantitative directions. Talk to Greg Marfleet ( for more information.
Pedagogical Research Grants
Pedagogical research grants ($2000 paid to a team of two Carleton faculty) to explore assessment data for correlates of quantitative reasoning proficiency. If you are interested in this work, contact Nathan Grawe( for more information.
Grant Reporting
Information for faculty working on curricular revisions:
- grant timeline
- assignment and course documentation pages
- payment details