
Results 1 - 10 of 42 matches

The Gapminder World 2006 part of SERC Web Resource Collection

Gapminder is a non-profit venture developing information technology for provision of free statistics in new visual and animated ways. Goal: enable you to make sense of the world by having fun with ...

Quantitative Environmental Learning Project part of SERC Web Resource Collection

This web site provides resources to integrate math and environmental science using real environmental data. The site features many data sets which are ideally suited for use as a classroom exercise. ...

Supporting Assessment in Undergraduate Mathematics part of SERC Web Resource Collection

The Supporting Assessment in Undergraduate Mathematics (SAUM) project provides information on assessment and assessment techniques. The purpose of SAUM is to support faculty members and departments ...

EXTEND: Perspectives on Mathematics Education part of SERC Web Resource Collection

EXTEND is a national forum intended to extend discussion of mathematics education beyond the mathematics community to constituencies whose engagement is of central importance to improvement of ...

Principles and Standards in School Mathematics part of SERC Web Resource Collection

Principles and Standards for School Mathematics describes a future in which all students have access to rigorous, high-quality mathematics instruction, including four years of high school ...

Reports from the Curriculum Foundations Project (title altered) part of SERC Web Resource Collection

This page holds the archived reports from the Curriculum Foundations Project. This project held workshops in several different subject areas in order to initiate a dialogue among the representatives ...

Crossroads in Mathematics: Standards for introductory college mathematics before calculus. part of SERC Web Resource Collection

'Crossroads in Mathematics: Standards for Introductory College Mathematics Before Calculus has two major goals: to improve mathematics education at two-year colleges and at the lower division of ...

A Math Paradox: The Widening Gap Between High School and College Math part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Dr. Ganem points out the increasing gap between the mathematical skills of incoming first-year college students and the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in college science and math courses ...

Using GPS to Teach More than Accurate Positions part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Undergraduate science majors need practice in critical thinking, quantitative analysis, and judging whether their calculated answers are physically reasonable. We have developed exercises using ...

Online Conversion - Convert just about anything to anything else part of SERC Web Resource Collection

This website calculates conversions for everything from flow rate and power to clothing sizes and cooking volumes. Units converted include astronomical, area, angles, acceleration, density, energy, ...

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