Earth and Space Science
Steven Schafersman
University of Texas of the Permian Basin University with graduate programs, primarily masters programs
Earth and Space Science is a 12th grade senior capstone science course being designed for the new four years of science requirement in Texas. It covers space, earth, ocean, and atmospheric sciences in a rigorous, quantitative fashion, builds on previous courses in biology, chemistry, and physics, and makes use of the Internet and Web for delivery of much of the course content.
Course URL:
Course Type: Intro Level:Earth System Science
Course Size:
Course Context:
This is a 12th-grade senior capstone science course being designed for the new four years of science requirement in Texas. It covers space, earth, ocean, and atmospheric sciences in a rigorous, quantitative fashion, and builds on previous courses in biology, chemistry, and physics by repeating and reinforcing content knowledge and problem solving skills learned in those courses but used now in an earth science context.
This document, named "Syllabus," is actually a complete course curriculum, including course objectives (description, goals, and content knowledge and skills) as well as a syllabus. It was last revised on June 28, 2006.
Syllabus (Microsoft Word 54kB Jun28 06)
Syllabus (Microsoft Word 54kB Jun28 06)
Teaching Materials:
The new course makes extensive use of the Internet and Web to deliver classroom and laboratory materials to students, as well as the primary means for them to access information needed to complete course work. In addition, the course uses Microsoft Excel as the primary tool for students to organize, manipulate, calculate, and graph quantitative data used in the course.