Paul Schroeder, Professor, University of Georgia

Click on a topic to read Paul's answer to an individual question, or scroll down to read the entire career profile:
Work Description * Inspiration and Motivation * Graduate Experience and Professional Development * Other Advice and Media

Describe your current research or work assignment. What topics are you working on? What does a typical work day look like—what would a student expect to do if they followed your career path?

My appointment is half teaching and half research. Critical Zone science includes much of what I do. Every day is different mentoring undergrads, graduate students, and collaborating with a wide range of scientists.  Go outside your department and see what is happening in other units in your university.

What motivated or inspired you to pursue a career in Nanoscience?

Knowledge is, in part, limited by resolution.... meaning the more we can see the more we can learn.  Going from the nano-scale to the pico-scale is our next challenge.

What graduate experiences/activities were essential for your professional development in Nanoscience? What experiences made a difference in your own career path (e.g., attended a conference, short course, had an opportunity to work in a lab, a key mentor in your life...)?

Visit departments and labs beyond your home department.  Use non-conventional methods to further explore conventional problems.

Any other advice to help an aspiring Nanoscience student?

Have passion and have patience.