Meet the Scientist

Initial Publication Date: October 8, 2012

Meet scientists and students involved in cutting-edge Mars research.
Learn about their diverse interests and why they enjoy science.

Dr. Abigail Alwood (MP4 Video 70.6MB Sep17 12)

Research Scientist, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Oldest life on Earth applied to Mars.

Dr. Alfred McEwen (MP4 Video 13.1MB Sep24 12)

Professor of Planetary Geology, University of Arizona
Principal Investigator of the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

Dr. Bethany Ehlmann (MP4 Video 29.9MB Sep24 12)

Assistant Professor of Planetary Science, Caltech, & Research Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Remote Sensing of Planetary Surfaces; Mineralogy & Geologic History of Mars.

Dr. Brian Hynek (MP4 Video 20.8MB Sep24 12)

Assistant Professor of Atmospheric & Space Physics and Geological Sciences, University of Colorado
Geologic, hydrologic, & climatic histories of Mars.

Dr. Chris Okubo (MP4 Video 46.8MB Sep24 12)

Research scientist, U.S. Geological Survey, Tucson Arizona
Structural features & image analysis of High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

Dr. Goro Komatsu (MP4 Video 70MB Sep24 12)

Research Professor, IRSPS- Univ. G.d'Annunzio, Pescara, Italy
Earth & Planetary sciences.

Dr. Jack Farmer (MP4 Video 7.1MB Mar4 13)

Professor of Geology, Arizona State University
Astrobiology, geomicrobiology, & biosedimentology.

Dr. Jeff Andrews-Hanna (MP4 Video 13.8MB Sep24 12)

Assistant Professor of Geophysics, Colorado School of Mines
Geophysics & geodynamics of planets.

Dr. Jens Ormo (MP4 Video 128.9MB Sep24 12)

Research Scientist, Center for Astrobiology, Madrid, Spain
Impact crater geology & experiments.

Dr. Laura Kerber (MP4 Video 46.2MB Sep24 12)

Research Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Ancient volcanoes & planetary atmospheres.

Dr. Kenneth Tanaka (MP4 Video 22.8MB Jan17 13)

Geologist, US Geological Survey, Flagstaff AZ
NASA/USGS Planetary Geologic Mapping.

Dr. Lynn Rothschild (MP4 Video 34.6MB Sep24 12)

Research biologist, NASA Ames Research Center & Stanford University
Evolutionary & synthetic biology & extremophiles.

Dr. Mohit Melwani Daswani (MP4 Video 18.2MB Sep24 12)

Post Doctoral Researcher, Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago
Mineralogy & geochemistry of Martian meteorites.

Dr. Sally Potter (MP4 Video 48.1MB Sep24 12)

Assistant Professor of Geology, Southern Illinois University, Illinois
Sedimentology & diagenesis of terrestrial analogs to Mars.

Dr. Victor Baker (MP4 Video 241.5MB Sep24 12)

Regents' Professor Hydrology & Water Resources, University of Arizona
History of water on Earth & Mars

Dr. Matt Golombek (MP4 Video 39.7MB Dec29 15)

Planetary Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Selecting landing sites on Mars