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General Education Biology

Instructor: Miriam del Campo, Miami-Dade Community College, Example compiled by Suzanne Savanick, Science Education Resource Center, based on a syllabus from Campus Compact
This material is replicated on a number of sites as part of the SERC Pedagogic Service Project
Initial Publication Date: November 15, 2006


This course, a beginning biology course, uses service-learning to connect coursework with the local community. The students find and execute a service-learning project based on their interests as a requirement of the course. Through the course work and research students gain, understand, and apply, useful science related information.

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Learning Goals

The purpose is to have the students develop an understanding and appreciation for living systems (including humans) and acquire the knowledge and skills needed to address biological issues that are important and relevant to individual lives and the society in which we live.

Context for Use

This course satisfies three credit hours of the natural science requirement. Students are community college students.

Teaching Materials

Action Project Procedure:
  1. Choose a topic from Biology. Use the Krogh book and CD ROM
  2. Identify community needs/problems related to your topic
  3. Brainstorm for creative solutions to the needs/problems
  4. Verify possibility of conducting community service related to the topic
  5. Conduct a scientific periodical search at the library. Choose THREE good articles related to the topic. Read them and think about them.
  6. Search the Internet for reliable sources on this topic. Choose THREE good ones. Get involved in related chats or discussions. Get feedback if possible. Use the MediaLabs in the Krogh book if applicable.
  7. Through the Kendall Campus Center for Community Involvement find a community SERVICE LEARNING site that is related to your topic and where you will volunteer your time and talent.
  8. Conduct the community service. Keep a time log sheet and get VERIFICATION of your time and service project from a reliable source. During the project keep a journal of activities conducted.
  9. Complete all paperwork from Action Project Group Workshops and Evaluation Handouts.
  10. Reflect on how your knowledge of biology and you community involvement, using that knowledge, are making a difference for a better world.

Teaching Notes and Tips



Service Learning Action Project:

An action project that demonstrates the application of the material learned in class through a community service action is required. Students who do not submit an Action Project will not pass the class.

This project requires:

  • Research of a specific topic within the "Biology" discipline.
  • Community Service Learning - an action in the community that applies the research topic to people, animals, plants, the environment etc.
  • Reflection as to the value of the action for the community and to the student. Please refer to the Service Learning Action Project instruction handout for specific instructions and requirements.

References and Resources
