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Initial Publication Date: November 30, 2010

Resources cited in module:

Astin, Alexander W., Lori J. Vogelgesang, Elaine K. Ikeda, and Jennfier A. Yee., 2000, How Service-Learning Affects Students, Los Angeles, ULCA Higher Education Research Institute.

Angelo, T. A. and K. P. Cross, 1993, A Handbook of Classroom Assessment Techniques for College Teachers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Battistoni, R. M. 2002, Civic Engagement Across the Curriculum: A Resource Book for Service Learning Faculty in all Disciplines. Providence: Campus Compact.

Brandsford, J., A., L. Brown, and R. R. Cocking (2000), How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, DC: National Academy.

Bringle, R. G. and J. A. Hatcher 1996, Implementing Service-Learning in Higher Education. Journal of Higher Education, 67(2): 67-73.

Bringle, R.G. and J. A. Hatcher 1999, Reflection in Service-Learning: Making Meaning of Experience. Educational Horizons, 77(4): 179-185.

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Daudelin, M.W. 1996, Learning From Experience Through Reflection. Organizational Dynamics, 24(3): 36-48.

Dewy, J. 1938, Experience and Education, New York: Touchstone.

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Eyler, J.S., D.E. Giles, Jr., C.M. Stenson, and C.J. Gray. (2001) At a Glance: What We Know About the Effects of Service-Learning on College Students, Faculty,
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Eyler, J. and D.E. Giles, Jr., 1999, Where's the Learning in Service-Learning? San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Eyler, J., D. E. Giles, & A. Schmiede 1996, A Practitioner's Guide to Reflection in Service-Learning. Nashville: Vanderbilt University.

Freire, P. 1970, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, New York: Continuum.

Furco, A. 1996, Service-Learning: A Balanced Approach to Experiential Education, Expanding Boundaries: Serving and Learning, Washington DC: Corporation for National Service.

Goldsmith, S. , 1995, Journal Reflection: A Resource Guide for Community Service Leaders and Educators Engaged in Service-Learning, Washington, D.C.: The American Alliance for Rights and Responsibilities.

Hatcher, J. A. & R. G. Bringle 1997, Reflection: Bridging the Gap between Service and Learning. College Teaching, 45(4): 153-159.

Heffernan, K., 2001 Fundamentals of Service-Learning Course Construction, Providence R.I.: Campus Compact.

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McGoldrick, M. and A. Ziegert, (Eds.) 2002, Putting the Invisible Hand to Work: Concepts and Models for Service Learning in Economics. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.

McGoldrick, K., A. Battle, and S. Gallagher 2000, Service-Learning and the Economics Course: Theory and Practice. The American Economist, 44(1): 43-52.

McGoldrick, K. 1998, Service-Learning in Economics: A Detailed Application. The Journal of Economic Education. 24(4): 365-376.

National Service-Learning Cooperative 1999, Essential Elements of Service-Learning. Roseville, MN: National Youth Leadership Council.
Palmer, C. E. and E. J. Savoie 2002, Challenges to Connecting Sociology and Service-Learning. Sociological Practice: A Journal of Clinical and Applied Sociology, 4(1): 89-97.

Pascarella, E.T. and P. Terenzini, 2005, How College Affects Students, Volume 2: A Third Decade of Research, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Schwartz, D.L., and J. D. Bransford 1998, A Time for Telling. Cognition and Instruction, 16(4): 475-522.

Seifer, S.D. 1998, Service-Learning: Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Professions Education, in Academic Medicine, vol. 73(3): 273-277.

Silcox, H.C. 1993, How to Guide Reflection: Adding Cognitive Learning to Community Service Programs, Levittown: Institute for Global Education and Service-Learning.

Stanfield, B., Ed. 1997, The Art of Focused Conversation. Toronto: Canadian Institute of Cultural Affairs.

Willis, R. 2002, The Economic Approach to Service Learning: Ten Simple Guidelines. In McGoldrick, M. and A. Ziegert, (Eds.) Putting the Invisible Hand to Work: Concepts and Models for Service Learning in Economics. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.

Ziegert, A. and K. McGoldrick, 2008, When Service is Good for Economics: Linking the Classroom and Community through Service-Learning. International Review of Economics Education, 7(2): 39-56.

Zull, James E, 2002, The Art of Changing the Brain: Enriching the Practice of Teaching by Exploring the Biology of Learning. Sterling, VA, Stylus Publications.

Other References

The Big Dummy's Guide to Service-Learning http://www.fiu.edu/~time4chg/Library/bigdummy.html

Bixby, Julia A. et al. Ecology on Campus: Service Learning in Introductory Environmental Courses. Journal of College Science Teaching Vol 32 No 5, Feb. 2003. p. 327-331.

Felder, Richard M., Gary N. Felder, E. Jacquelin Dietz, 1998, A Longitudinal Study of Engineering Student Performance and Retention V. Comparison with Traditionally-Taught Students, Journal of Engineering Education, 87(4), p. 469-480.

Gelmon,Sherril B.,Barbara A. Holland, Amy Driscoll. 2001. Assessing Service-Learning and Civic Engagement: Principles and Techniques. Campus Compact

Gordon, R. (1999). Problem Based Service Learning: A Fieldguide for Making a Difference in Higher Education. Bedford, NH: Campus Compact for New Hampshire.

Kellogg Commission on the Future of State and Land-Grant Universities, 2000, Renewing the Covenant: Learning, Discovery, and Engagement in a New Age and Different World, 6th Report ( This site may be offline. ) National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges.

Langseth, Mark and William M. Plater (eds) (DATE) Public Work and the Academy: An Academic Administrator's Guide to Civic Engagement and Service-Learning. Campus Compact. Anker Publishing Co, In.c. Boldton, MA.

Lave, J., and Wenger, E., 1990, Situated Learning: legitimate peripheral Participation. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press.

Lui, L., A.R. Philpotts, and N.H. Gray, (2004) . "Service Learning Practice in Upper Division Geoscience Courses: bridging undergraduate learning, teaching and research." Journal of Geoscience Education v.52 n.2, March 2004 p. 172-177.

Mogk, D.W. and J.L. King, 1995, Service Learning in Geology Classes. Journal of Geological Education, v. 43, p. 461-465.

National Research Council, 2002, How People Learn: brain, mind, experience, and school. Washington D.C., National Academy Press.

Orr, D., 1993, Architecture as Pedagogy, Conservation Biology v.7 n.2, p. 226-228.

Sobel, D., 2004, Place-Based Education: connecting classrooms and communities. Great Barrington Massachusetts, The Orion Society, 109p.
Wingspread Declaration 1998 Wingspread Declaration on the Civic Responsibilites of Research Universities.

Ward, H. Acting Locally: concepts and mdodels for service-learning in environmental studies, Washington D.C., American Association for Higher Eduation 214 p.

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