For the Instructor
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Activate Your Learning
Explore the pros and cons, including cost-benefits of managed retreat case-studies and consider examples of communities facing retreat as an option and the factors leading to these decisions.
While this activity is not for credit. You will be expected to know the material in quizzes and midterms.
Below are some text fields in which you will make a list of pros and cons of managed retreat vs. traditional "hold the line" methods of coastal management.
Mandatory Reading
The link below provides further information, including a discussion of costs and benefits. Use this information to help you answer the questions below.
Managed Realignment
Managed Retreat
Question 1: List the pros of managed retreat.
Question 2: List the cons of managed retreat.
Hold the Line - Traditional Engineering Methods
Question 3: List the pros of hold the line traditional engineering methods.Question 4: List the cons of hold the line traditional engineering methods.
Main Factors
What are the essential elements that allow for managed retreat? Look back at the examples in the U.K. and the U.S. What are the main factors that lead to success in the examples?
Question 5: List the main factors that lead to success in the US Examples (California Coast)Question 6: List the main factors that lead to success in the UK Examples.
Your Conclusion
Write a concluding paragraph based on the facts you have gathered in the above questions.
Question 7: Explain which method of coastal management – traditional use of structures to "hold the line", or managed retreat, you think will prevail fifty years from now.