First Materials Development Teams
published May 8, 2012 7:42am
First materials development teams announced
The first materials development teams are assembled and have chosen topics. Each course or module being developed will produce, test, and revise materials over the coming two years.
Introductory geoscience modules/courses
- Human's Dependence on Earth's Mineral Resources; Leah Joseph (Ursinus College), Prajukti Bhattacharyya
(University of Wisconsin- Whitewater), Joy Branlund (Southwestern
Illinois College)
- Climate of Change: Interactions and Feedbacks Between Water, Air and Ice; Cindy Shellito (University of
Northern Colorado), Becca Walker (Mt San Antonio College), Cynthia Fadem
(Earlham College)
- Natural Hazards and Risks: Hurricanes; Lisa Gilbert (Williams College), Josh Galster (Montclair State University), Joan Ramage (Lehigh University)
- Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources;
Jill Schneiderman (Vassar College), Adriana Perez (Dona Ana Community College), Joshua Villalobos (El Paso Community College), Meg
Stewart (independent instruction technologist)
Teacher preparation modules/courses
- Energy Sources and Earth Processes; Sue DeBari (Western Washington
University), Kyle Gray (University of Northern Iowa), Julie Monet
(California State University, Chico)
- Teaching Geoscience Methods
to Secondary Education Students; Scott Linneman (Western Washington
University), James Ebert (SUNY Oneonta), Jeff Thomas (Central
Connecticut State University)
- Using Modeling in the Earth
Sciences; Basil Tikoff (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Bob MacKay
(Clark College), Julie Maxson (Metropolitan State)