Workshop Program
Jump Down To: Wednesday | Thursday
Tuesday, August 8
All morning sessions will take place in CR 219. CR = Classroom Building, at the intersection of Fremont and 9th.
8:00 Workshop Overview and Introductions - Danielle, Beth, Andy, Sarah, and Klaudio (
8:55 Participants pilot test modules in small groups; workshop leader team available to answer questions
9:30 Small group discussions: What would you need to do to fit these materials into one of your courses?
- IGUaNA modules - seismic refraction, GPR, electrical resistivity, gravity & magnetics
- GETSI - GPS/GNSS module
10:00 Round robin discussion: Each group highlights one point that arose from their discussion
10:30 Break
10:45 Intro to GPS/GNSS - Beth
- GPS-GNSS IGUaNA workshop slides.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 10MB Aug10 23) - these slides were drawn from Unit 1 and 2 of GETSI module: High Precision Positioning with Static and Kinematic GPS/GNSS
12:00 Field group organization
12:15 Lunch
1:00 Assemble on west side of the Geology Building to travel to the field site
1:30 Participant teams acquire GPR, seismic, electrical resistivity, magnetics & gravity data (georeference your site with GPS)
Workshop leaders and UWyo technicians will guide teams of participants in the acquisition of data sets to be analyzed tomorrow. We will also describe how participants can access geophysical equipment to collect their own data with their students. (geophysical instrument IGUaNA workshop teaching materials binder (Acrobat (PDF) 32.9MB Aug7 23))
5:00 Return to hotel - Roadcheck
5:30 Break
7:30 Dinner - Anong Thai (101 E Ivinson Ave) - meet outside hotel at 7:15 pm if you want a ride to the restaurant
Wednesday, August 9
×All morning sessions will take place in the Earth Science Building (ESB). Meet briefly in the Atrium before breaking into data processing rooms.
- 1004 - Resistivity
- 1006 - Seismic
- 1007 - Magnetics and gravity
- 1038 - GPR
9:00 Data processing & interpretation
DATA SETS collected this workshopParticipant teams process and interpret the data they collected the previous day, with guidance from the workshop leader team and from University of Wyoming technicians
Seismic data: (Zip Archive 1.3MB Aug9 23)
ERT data: IGUAN2.stg ( 206kB Aug9 23) (additional example ERT dataset: (Zip Archive 55kB Aug9 23))
Corrected ERT processing PDF: 06-ert-2_UPDATED.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 1.8MB Aug9 23)
10:30 Break
10:45 Data processing & interpretation (OR module exploration) continues
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Assemble in front of the Geology Building to travel to the field site
1:30 Participant teams acquire GPR, seismic, electrical resistivity, magnetics & gravity data (georeference your site with GPS)
Workshop leaders and UWyo technicians will guide teams of participants in the acquisition of data sets to be analyzed tomorrow. We will also describe how participants can access geophysical equipment to collect their own data with their students.
5:00 Return to hotel - Roadcheck
5:30 Break
6:30 Dinner - Altitude Chophouse (BBQ Catering) (320 S 2nd St) - meet outside hotel at 6:15 pm if you want a ride to the restaurant
Thursday, August 10
All morning sessions will take place in the Earth Science Building (ESB). Meet briefly in the Atrium before breaking into data processing rooms.
- 1004 - Resistivity
- 1006 - Seismic
- 1007 - Magnetics and gravity
- 1038 - GPR
- Atrium - GPS/GNSS (or SfM)
9:00 Data processing & interpretation
DATA SETS collected this workshopParticipant teams process and interpret the data they collected the previous day, with guidance from the workshop leader team and from University of Wyoming technicians
10:30 Break
10:45 Data processing & interpretation (OR module exploration) continues
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Instructor Stories - Panel Q & A
Short presentations by workshop leaders and participants who have used the IGUaNA and GETSI curricular materials in their courses, followed by open Q & A
2:00 Logistics
- Borrowing Equipment - EarthScope Field Education page
- Acronyms
- Plans for Thursday
- Uploading GPS data to Data pages
2:15 Teaching Implementation Planning
How do participants envision using IGUaNA and/or GETSI curricular materials in their courses? Please bring the syllabi for your existing courses that you might use IGUaNA and/or GETSI materials.
- 2:00 pm - Introduction to Participant Implementation Planning Workspaces and typical considerations for field planning.
- Individual work time on teaching implementation plans and what you will share with your breakout group
- Geologic topic
- Learning goals/deliverables from students
- Methods/tools you are interested in using
- Questions/challenges/initial ideas of solutions
- 3:10 pm –Break
- 3:25 pm - Breakout group discussions for sharing teaching plans
- Groups
- Dianne, Beth D, Katherine
- Robert, Joanna, Krista, Fred
- James, Kyle, Thomas, Ophelia
- Madan, Prabhat, Zachary
- Audrey, Jun, Matthew, Alexander
- Julian, Sajad, Andrew, Jerry
- Henry, Leah, Neil, Steven
- Elizabeth, Akram, Laura
- Pick a time keeper and share-out presenter
- Each person shares initial plans - ~5 minutes each
- Geologic topic
- Learning goals/deliverables from students
- Methods/tools your are interested in (instruments or just data)
- Questions/challenges/initial ideas of solutions
- Breakout out group discussion of questions/challenges/ideas - 20 minutes
- Identify ~3 things your reporter will share with larger group - 10 minutes
- 4:25 pm - Whole group share-out and discussion
- Share-out - 1 leader share ~3 main thoughts or questions
- Brainstorming solutions to challenges
- Discussion Notes
5:00 End of Workshop Evaluation
5:30 Return to hotel
7:00 Dinner - On Your Own
Friday, August 11
Morning: OPTIONAL field trip to Blair Wallis and Veedauwoo Rocks. We will visit the remarkable granite outcrops of Veedauwoo that attract geologists, hikers, and rock climbers to the area. We will tour the Veedauwoo Glen trail and offer the chance for scrambling on the boulder fields for those who would like to get their nose on the rocks. The trip will start at the hotel and end at the airport. We will gather for departure at 8:30 AM.