What is a Step?
A step includes a set of instructions to perform a specific activity. For example, instructions for getting a time series of streamflow is a step. Similarly, plotting the streamflow hydrograph in Excel is a step. Separating baseflow from the streamflow hydrograph is a step. Each step has some input and output. For example, the baseflow separation step cannot be performed without an input streamflow hydrograph to create an output including the direct runoff hydrograph and the baseflow. Similarly, the streamflow hydrograph step cannot be performed without getting the streamflow data. The input and output structure associated with each step enables their use with other steps in more than one Unit. This page contains the list of existing steps available in the system.
List of all Steps
Results 1 - 20 of 50 matches
Stationary and nonstationary behavior
Jasmine Gregory, North Carolina State University
Stationarity and nonstationarity are terms you may have encountered previously if you've taken water or climate related courses and are important for understanding changes in the Earth System. But what do ...
Assess Climate Change Trends Anywhere in the World Using a Web-based Python Tool
Adnan Rajib, The University of Texas at Arlington
The world's climate is changing rapidly. Future projections suggest frequent large storms and prolonged dry spells, increasing human exposures to flooding and drought1. With the recent advances in weather and ...
Downloading NCDC Climate Data from Internet into a Text File
Purpose The purpose of this exercise to demonstrate the steps involved in downloading climate (precipitation and temperature) data from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The lesson is developed by using a ...
Creating a Time Series Plot in Excel
Purpose The purpose of this module is to demonstrate how to create a time-series plot using MS Excel. The module is developed by using USGS streamflow data as an example, but the same process can be followed for ...
Introduction to Flood Frequency Analysis
Siddharth Saksena, Purdue University-Main Campus
The objective of this step is to familiarize students with the concept of flood frequency analysis. After reading the information provided in this step, the students will be able to understand the importance of ...
Flood Frequency Analysis using RWater
Adnan Rajib, Purdue University-Main Campus
Flood Frequency Analysis involves large amount of calculation and data processing, requiring significant level of understanding of the process and expertise. This module introduces RWater - an interactive online ...
Plotting the Flood Frequency Curve using Gumbel Distribution
Siddharth Saksena, Purdue University-Main Campus
The objective of this step is to make the students familiar with the concept of flood frequency analysis. This step assumes that the user already has information on the peak streamflow data for a USGS gauge ...
Downloading Annual Peak Streamflow Data from USGS
Siddharth Saksena, Purdue University-Main Campus
This step demonstrates how to download the United States Geological Survey's (USGS) annual peak streamflow data recorded at a USGS gauging station in the United States. In this step, the students will use the ...
Downloading Discharge and Precipitation Data from HydroClient and Interpreting it with Graphs in Excel
Liza Brazil, Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc
The following step demonstrates how to use the HydroClient web interface to get time series data for discharge and precipitation from multiple data sources located near Lake Tahoe, CA during 2012. The procedure to ...
Calculating the Total Annual Precipitation
Nikhil Sangwan, Purdue University-Main Campus
The objective of this step is to calculate the total annual depth of precipitation from a given precipitation time series . We have used the 15 minutes interval historical precipitation data, recorded at the ...
Calculating the Total Annual Depth of Streamflow
Nikhil Sangwan, Purdue University-Main Campus
The objective of this step is to calculate the total annual depth of streamflow from a given streamflow time series . We have used the historical instantaneous streamflow data of the Hall Creek in Indiana (USGS ...
Estimating the Total Annual Evapotranspiration depth using the Annual Watershed Balance concept
Nikhil Sangwan, Purdue University-Main Campus
The objective of this step is to estimate the total annual evapotranspiration depth in the study area by applying the law of mass conservation in the watershed. Using a simple bucket model, the change in watershed ...
Downloading Climate Data from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)
Venkatesh Merwade, Purdue University-Main Campus
This step demonstrates how to use the National Climatic Data Center's (NCDC) web interface to get 15 minutes interval historical precipitation data for a climate station in the United States. This step is ...
Computing Excess Rainfall Hyetograph using SCS CN Method
Introduction The objective of this step is to learn how to compute excess rainfall hyetograph from a total rainfall hyetograph using the Soil Conservation Service's (SCS) Curve Number (CN) method. This steps ...
Computing Excess Rainfall using Phi Index (Constant Loss) Method
Introduction The objective of this step is to learn how to compute excess rainfall hyetograph from a total rainfall hyetograph using constant loss or the phi index. This steps assumes that the user already has a ...
Derivation of Unit Hydrograph
Introduction This spreadsheet based step demonstrates the derivation of unit hydrograph by using the excess rainfall and direct runoff data from a single historical storm event.The intended audience for this step ...
Baseflow Separation Using Straight Line Method
Introduction This step demonstrates the use of straight line method to separate baseflow from a streamflow hydrograph by using data for a single storm event. This step is developed for a storm event at Hall Creek ...
Application of Unit Hydrograph to Derive Direct Runoff Hydrograph
Application of Unit Hydrograph to Derive Runoff Hydrograph Introduction The objective of this step is to learn how to use a unit hydrograph to derive a runoff hydrograph. To use this step, the user need to have ...
Developing a Rational Method Hydrograph Model for the Urban Desert Southwest USA
Venkatesh Merwade, Purdue University-Main Campus
This spreadsheet based stormwater hydrograph modeling module applies the widely utilized Rational Method to estimate hydrographs and flooding for urban watersheds. The specific structure of the model is based on ...
Baseflow Separation Using Recession Method
Introduction The objective of this step is to learn how to separate baseflow from a total streamflow hydrograph by using a simple recession method. This steps assumes that the user already has a total streamflow ...